Keyword: inequality

Book Review: From the Freedom Charter to Polokwane, the Evolution of ANC Economic Policy

Picture: PhotoBookSA & Ben Turok Ebrahim-Khalil Hassen - "The People shall share in the countries wealth." This clause in the Freedom Charter tells of a continuing struggle to build a society that is more equal, prosperous and in which opportunity abounds for all. In recounting the Freedom Charter, Ben Turok – who introduced the economic clause at the authentic Congress of the People, describes this role as an accident of history. Turok is the author of the book "From the Freedom Charter to Polokwane: The Evolution of ANC...

G20: Tens of Thousands Gather to Protest in the Streets of London

Picture: World Development Movement Democracy Now - Tens of thousands of protesters from around the world have gathered in London to demonstrate against the G20 talks and call for economic justice and environmental accountability. Amy Goodman of Democracy Now interviews Walden Bello of Focus on the Global South to get his perspective on the G20. *** AMY GOODMAN: President Obama is in London today ahead of the G20 summit, where world leaders are gathering to discuss the global economic crisis. It marks Obama’s first trip to Europe since...

The Human Development Oscars: Slumdogs vs. Billionaires

Picture: carf P. Sainath - It’s been the night of the long knives for India’s billionaire population. Their band has just been decimated, falling by more than half from 53 to 24. The latest Croesus Count, also known as the Forbes Billionaires list, makes that much clear. We also fell by two notches to sixth rank in the list of nations with the most billionaires. India’s earlier No. 4 slot being slyly usurped by the Chinese who clock in with 29. More mortifying, we are a rung below the Brits...

Can Our Wine Industry Become a Model for the Rest of Our Agricultural Sector?

Picture: Trevor Samson - World Bank Glenn Ashton - Agricultural practice in modern South Africa has failed to evolve sufficiently to adapt to our emerging needs. Farm workers remain marginalised, their work conditions and job security are poor. The proposed redistribution of land is slow and fraught with problems. Existing farmers feel threatened. Globalisation poses enormous challenges to the sector. However, the travails and success of our wine industry may point us toward some solutions. South Africa's wine industry has matured since...

Global Financial Crisis: We Know Who the Culprits are, But are We Prepared to Address the Cause?

Picture: Elyce Feliz Fazila Farouk - The global financial crisis has exploded onto the scene, bringing with it job losses, home losses and family murder-suicides. This crisis may be financial, but its costs are human. The culprit, ‘capitalism’ has been named and shamed and the casino they call Wall Street, exposed. Under the disapproving gaze of the world’s ordinary people, elites appear confounded. How did they get it so wrong? Why didn’t they see the writing on the wall? What were the predictions of...

South Africa's Slippery Slope: Beefing Up the Implementation of Bad Policies

Picture: Maureen Sill Mohamed Motala - Both the President’s State of the Nation address delivered on 8 February 2009 and the Finance Minister's Budget Speech, which followed a few days later have told us that South Africa's 'policies' are in place and that the main problem facing our nation is poor implementation. The State of the Nation address and the Budget Speech are the two most important policy agenda-setting opportunities that the two most powerful men in the country have at their disposal. They present opportunities...