Keyword: inequality

What the State's Response to the Anger of Protesting Communities Is Not Telling Us

Picture: BBC World Service Ibrahim Steyn - As many poor working class communities continue to protest against the post-apartheid state’s failure to meet their material expectation of democracy, the only real difference between Mbeki and Zuma’s responses to the protesting voices is that whereas the former has been callous the latter seems more sympathetic. The fact that Mbeki hardly commiserated with protesting communities during his tenure and obstinately denied that South Africa was experiencing a so-called "service...

The Hidden Mental Health Crisis in South Africa

Picture: Unknown Glenn Ashton - South Africa has some of the highest levels in the world of mental health disability and disease, with around one in five people affected. While popular belief holds that mental illnesses such as schizophrenia, obsessive behaviours, depression, bipolar disorder and various phobias are caused solely by individual susceptibility to these maladies, the reality is rather more nuanced. It appears that susceptible individuals are more likely to exhibit symptoms when stressed by personal or...

Who's in Charge of Zuma's Presidency 2.0?

Picture: World Economic Forum Ebrahim-Khalil Hassen - The Presidency has a new website, let us call it Presidency 2.0. As I visited the site after Minister Manuel had announced the details of the government’s plan till 2014. Officially, it is called the Medium Term Strategic Framework (MTSF). The website and the strategic framework share a surprising usability, because usually government’s information is inaccessible. I clicked on the section called “Presidency Kids,” but the site took so long to download. I instead...

We Are All the Public

Picture: Oso Richard Pithouse - Across the country the most vulnerable people in our society are being subject to brazenly unlawful and often violent action at the hands of the state. Homeless people, refugees, sex workers, street traders and shack dwellers are all being taught, in the most literal sense of the term, to know their place. But state illegality is not only aimed at the segregation of physical space. It is also about ensuring that the people on the margins of society know their political place. This is why...

Strike Action in South Africa: A Pecking Order Prevails

Picture: Andrew Ciscel Mohamed Motala - There are a few high profile labour disputes currently taking place in South Africa. The public have entered the fray, influencing the labour debates by engaging with them via newspapers and talk radio programmes. At the same time, public sentiment is being influenced by the manner in which the media is presenting the various labour disputes. Who is allowed to strike? Who has the right to decent pay? Who has the right to decent working conditions? Who has the right to a decent standard of...

Book Review: The Spirit Level - Why More Equal Societies Almost Always Do Better

Picture: Pink Sherbert Glenn Ashton - Book: The Spirit Level By Richard Wilkinson and Kate Pickett Published by Allen Lane/Penguin ISBN: 978-1-846-14039-6 You know how you feel when you see a new product that seems so intuitive, so obvious, you wished you had invented it? Some time ago I found myself wondering why nobody has yet managed to put together, in a convincing way, the thesis that unequal societies are far more prone to social ills than those with greater financial equality. Even before I...