Vavi: Discursive Tension Stifles Rape Discussion

Picture: Zwelinzima Vavi, General Secretary of Congress of South African Trade Unions courtesy GovernmentZA/Flickr. Mandisi Majavu - One of the issues that the rape allegations against Zwelinzima Vavi highlighted is the unresolved discursive tension between feminists and anti-racists. This discursive tension  stems from the way in which both the feminist and anti-racist intellectual tradition respectively regard sexuality as a site upon which the oppression of women and the repression of black masculinity occurs. Feminists understand rape as a violent patriarchal tool that some men use to assert their power over...

Will 2013 See the End of Mugabe's 33-Year Rule?

Picture: Zimbabwean President Robert Mugabe courtesy Wikimedia Commons. Video On 31 May Zimbabwe's Constitutional Court, the nation's highest court, ordered that elections should take place by the end of July. The elections will end an uneasy power-sharing government between President Robert Mugabe and Prime Minister Morgan Tsvangirai, which was formed following tense negotiations in September 2008.

As the country goes to the polls the Frontline Club in London hosts panel of experts to discuss what this election will mean for the future of Zimbabwe. Will 2013 see the...

Helping Africa to Help Itself: The Ideology of Food

Picture: Gates Foundation/Flickr Glenn Ashton - Just as Chicken Little is convinced that the sky is going to fall on his head, the constant repetition of the scaremongering trope that we are under collective, imminent threat of starvation because of our burgeoning global population has persuaded the uninformed that this is so. This narrative is about as nuanced as the recent movie World War Z, where zombies overrun a helpless population. Just as the zombie movie presents an implausible, Hollywood take on the world, the ostensible food...

WikiLeaks Attorney on Manning Guilty Verdict: Blowing Whistle on US War Crimes is Not Espionage

Picture: As seen on Democracy Now! Video WikiLeaks' attorney Michael Ratner responds to Tuesday’s (30 July) verdict in the Bradley Manning trial. Manning was found guilty of 20 charges in total, including espionage, but he was acquitted of aiding the enemy, the most serious charge. "For him facing 136 years in jail for telling the American people what our government should have been telling us — about torture centers in Iraq, 20,000 extra civilians killed in Iraq — I find outrageous," Ratner says....

On the Verdict in the Bradley Manning Court-Martial

Picture: Bradley Manning courtesy Saint Iscariot/Flickr. Julian Assange - On Tuesday, 30 July 2013, Bradley Manning, a whistleblower, was convicted by a military court at Fort Meade of 19 offences for supplying the press with information, including five counts of ’espionage’. He now faces a maximum sentence of 136 years. The ’aiding the enemy’ charge has fallen away. It was only included, it seems, to make calling journalism ’espionage’ seem reasonable. It is not. Bradley Manning’s alleged disclosures have exposed war...

Global Youth Unemployment Remains at Crisis Levels

Picture: As seen on The Real News Network. Video A new global study finds that 75 million youth worldwide are unemployed, which is a huge number, but James Heintz, associate director at American research organisation, Political Economy Research Institute (PERI), argues that the bigger problem is the fact that 500 million (half a billion) youth are employed in what’s known as the informal economy where they are engaged in very low-quality jobs. Often youth are employed in those jobs even though they have much higher qualifications...