Keyword: email

Are Voicemail and Email Becoming Redundant?

Picture: Techradar Video Tech expert Michael Schrage calls voicemail "an anachronism" whose time has come and gone. Could e-mail be next? Schrage argues that people prefer scanning texts than listening to voice messages. Highlighting it as a demographic phenomenon he says, “I don’t think there’s anybody I know under the age of 30 who listens to their voicemail.” The era of e-mail is going to vanish too because people are using LinkedIn and Facebook, Yammer and other social media...

Does Email Make Workers Less Efficient?

Video Justine Thody presents results of a study that detail the impacts of digital distractions on productivity in the workplace. Thody emphasizes that even in the age of Twitter and Facebook, email remains the greatest culprit. A University of Minnesota study found that if interrupted, people take up to 27% longer to complete the task they're doing and make twice as many mistakes.