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Exclusive Interview with Julian Assange Inside the Ecuadorian Embassy

Picture: As seen on GamaTV. Video Uruguayan journalist Jorge Gestoso interviews Julian Assange from within the Ecuadorian Embassy in London. In this extensive interview, originally aired on GamaTV on August 30, they talk about the UK government's threat to extract Assange from the embassy, the nature of his relationship with the Ecuadorian government, the secret charges drawn up against him by US prosectors and the allegation of sex crimes in Sweden. "What are you going to say if you have to give your side of the...

Mass Murder of Miners and Neo-Liberalism in South Africa

Picture: Nadine Huttton Video Paul Jay of The Real News Network talks to Vishwas Satgar, Senior Lecturer at Wits University, about the Marikana massacre. “The ANC has embraced a neo-liberal economic model that has opened up this economy. The most they can show for it in terms of delivery is a social grant system mainly targeting the aged and children. The ANC can also show some delivery around housing. But, a lot of the apartheid pattern of urban and spatial development has continued. Beyond this, the ANC is...

Neville Alexander on the "Politics of Truth": Making Sense of the ANC as Ruling Party

Picture: Video Many South Africans, particularly those on the left, are mourning the death of leading Marxist intellectual and activist, Neville Alexander. Alexander died on Monday, 27 August 2012, aged 75. In one of his last public addresses at a Steve Biko Seminar in September 2011, Alexander spoke about the "Politics of Truth". His remarks about the ANC are extremely pertinent today in the aftermath of the Marikana massacre. He said, “The ANC is locked into a paradigm of rule that is...

What Does It Mean that 120 Countries are Rejecting US/Israeli Pressure to Isolate Iran?

Picture: Smooth_O/Flickr Video South Africa's Minister of International Relations and Cooperation, Maite Nkoana-Mashabane, is scheduled to attend the Non-Aligned Movement Summit in Tehran, taking place on 30-31 August. As the US and Israel increase their efforts to isolate Iran (Israel is even ramping up talk of a military strike on Iran this year), South Africa joins 119 other countries at this major international event. What does it mean that 120 countries are rejecting US/Israeli pressure to isolate Iran? For...

Food Crisis: Feeding Fat Cats

Picture: Video With one billion people starving every day, what is the solution to rising food prices? Could heavier regulation of financial markets be a step forward? Or is it all about subsidies and tariff policies? How much are biofuels menacing food security? And how many more food riots will we see before we find a solution? RT's Cross Talk engages Timothy Wise, Research Director at the Global Development and Environment Network, David Moberg, Senior Editor at In These Times and Ronald Bailey from...

Monkeys Reject Income Inequality - Why are Humans Expected to Accept It?

Picture: As seen on TED. Video This video, an excerpt from a TED Talk given by Dr. Frans B.M. de Waal, is about the study of fairness in animals. The clip features a study conducted on Capuchin monkeys in which they were given "unequal pay" for the same task. Watch the clip to see the reaction of the monkey that realizes it is not being treated fairly. Editor's Note: To watch the complete version of this Ted Talk, which also makes for great viewing, please click here.