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Globalisation and the Metaphysics of Control in the Free Market World

The Pinky Show expounds on the transition from colonialism to globalisation and the role of the free market in this evolution. Both bring about the same results, using different methods. While colonialism was about control through force, globalisation has found an easier way to create an underclass that is easily exploited by redefining relationships and influencing how people think. Bolstering the veneer of progress and civilization - media, technology, the law and education are used to...

The Meatrix

The Meatrix is an animation based on the movie "The Matrix"  that highlights critical concerns about mass produced meat. The outbreak of swine flu has been linked to agribusiness and this clip reveals that the overcrowded and brutal conditions under which animals are farmed causes diseases among the animals. This in turn leads agribusiness to add a constant dosage of antibiotics to their feed. This overuse of antibiotics breeds super strains of resistant disease-causing germs....

Durban II and Race in America

Laura Flanders of GRITtv talks to Glen Ford, executive editor of the Black Agenda Report about the implications for racism in America with regard to the Obama administration's decision to "boycott" the United Nation's Racism Conference, also known as Durban II, which took place in Geneva last week. What follows below is a transcript of the interview. LAURA FLANDERS: Glen to you. I mean after this brouhaha and President Ahmedinejad's speech, Robert Gibbs of the US...

Global Financial Crisis: Suicide Rate Up in Japan

The suicide forest can be found in the foothills of  Mount Fuji, Japan. It is difficult to be found in this forest. A phenomenon that attracts people contemplating suicide. In the past year, 170 people have committed suicide in the forest.  For the vulnerable, its become a forest of fears: fear of debt, fear of loneliness and fear of failure. Yukio Sugiyama, a suicide survivor who was found in the forest says that one's occupation takes a very important place in one's life in...

Forgotten Freedom Fighters

Al Jazeera follows the story of a group of ex-combatants from the ANC's armed wing, Umkhonto We Sizwe (MK) or Spear of the Nation. The story covers the trials and tribulations of the group now living in Alexandra township. They have been struggling to survive in post-apartheid South Africa despite sacrifices made for their country. Largely unemployed and living in poor conditions, these former freedom-fighters receive little support. Many are still waiting to receive, at the very least,...

Obama Boycotts Anti-Racism Conference

The Real News Network provides this clip in which President Barack Obama defends America's decision not to attend the United Nation's (UN) Racism Conference. Billed as the Durban Review Conference, the conference hosted by UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, Navi Pillay, opened in Geneva today. Obama's statement, transcribed below, is somewhat vague in its justifications. However, the one thing that does come out clearly in the subtext of his statement is his administration's...