New Documentary Asks: "Who Runs the European Union?"

23 Apr 2012

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The Brussels Business is a feature documentary made by Friedrich Moser and Matthieu Lietaert. It is described as a film that delves into the shadowy world of lobbying, the secretive networks of power and big business influence on EU policy-making in Brussels. It tells the unofficial version of European Integration since the 1980s, the story of the neoliberal take-over in European politics."

Brussels is the second largest capital of industry lobbying in the world. The Brussels Business is "an expedition into the world of the 15,000 lobbyists in Brussels, the PR conglomerates, think tanks and their all-encompassing networks of power with close ties to political elites."

"At a time when Europe is facing a deep crisis that can bring the world economy to collapse this film tries to answer one question: Who runs the European Union?"

Find the official trailer above and additional clips from the documentary here and here.

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