Financial Crisis

Michael Moore's 'Capitalism: A Love Story'

Capitalism: A Love Story is critically acclaimed and award winning documentary filmmaker Michael Moore's upcoming film about the global financial crisis of 2007-2009, the transition from the Bush to the Obama administration as well as the obscene Wall Street bailout package. Moore takes on the entire free-market system in his exquisitely titled movie, as he returns to the issue that began his career: the disastrous impact that corporate dominance and out-of-control profit motives have...

What the Arctic Scramble and the Collapse of General Motors Tells Us about Prospects for a Low Carbon Future

Picture: torbein Saliem Fakir - A low carbon future is slowly in the making. A lot rests on the way in which the global geopolitical situation resolves itself in the next decade. There are some signposts of where things are likely to go. All of this is happening, in the backdrop of negotiations for a global deal on climate change. As the demand for energy grows so will the competition for the last remaining reserves of fossil fuels. One will see a distinct Asia-Pacific emphasis, accounting for 87% of growth in...

Vandana Shiva on Gandhi for Today's World

Picture: Franziska Seel David Barsamian - Vandana Shiva is an internationally renowned voice for sustainable development and social justice.  She is a physicist, scholar, political activist, and feminist, and recipient of the Right Livelihood Award, the alternative Nobel Prize. She is also director of the Research Foundation for Science, Technology and Natural Resource Policy in New Delhi. Author of many books, her latest are Earth Democracy and Soil Not Oil. She spoke in New Delhi with David Barsamian, founder of...

Wall Street Recovery Based on Profits Gained from Intensifying Exploitation

We are told that Wall Street is bouncing back and the recession is bottoming out, but Richard Wolff, economist from the New School in New York City, pokes holes in the economic recovery and false euphoria of Wall Street. He says, what we are seeing now is a peculiar economic phenomenon. Across the United States, business are hurting. Revenues are down for almost every kind of business.  And in response, the businesses have done what businesses always do. Cut back in order to survive....

The Emperors of Bombast: Bono, U2 and the Crisis of World Capitalism

Picture: Phil Romans Eamonn McCann - Shuffling out from U2’s Popmart tour — the one with the McDonalds-style Golden Arch — at Lansdowne Road 10 years ago, I chanced on Philip King, singer, songwriter, television producer and music adviser to the Irish Arts Council. "Whaddya think?" "Whatever it is," pronounced the elfin Kerry sage, "it’s a fucking big one of them." Which has always been the way with the emperors of bombast. Now they, or at least their stage sets, are...

Noam Chomsky on Crisis and Hope: Theirs and Ours

MIT professor, author and dissident intellectual Noam Chomsky, spoke at the Riverside Church in Harlem on June 12, 2009 at an event sponsored by the Brecht Forum. More than 2,000 people packed into the Church to hear his address, titled "Crisis and Hope: Theirs and Ours." In his talk, Chomsky discussed the global economic crisis, the environment, wars in Iraq, Afghanistan and Pakistan, resistance to American empire and much more. Democracy Now recorded the event on camera...