Invoking the Memory of Mandela the Freedom Fighter

Picture: Red Griot Fazila Farouk - It’s just been a few weeks since Nelson Mandela was taken off the United States terrorism watch list. No doubt so that they too could join in the celebrations of this living icon, without the embarrassment of hoisting up a revolutionary. I gather that a revolutionary in America is someone, not quite viewed through the same rose-tinted lens worn by us Southerners. Mandela made the cover of Time Magazine again this week. It’s his fourth time on the cover. I...

The G8's Climate Change Shortcomings

This Oxfam produced video clip about the recently concluded G8 Summit in Japan, highlights the fact that the G8 countries are the highest polluters of carbon per head. Poor countries are hit first and the worst by climate change despite the fact that they are least responsible for it.

Africa: The Next Victim in the Quest for Cheap Oil

Picture: Azrainman Scott Thill - Whether or not we have fully arrived at peak oil can be left to the nitpickers and bean counters to decide. What we know for sure is that the cost of black gold has exponentially risen in just a few short years, and the global economy it is built upon is currently straddling a razor waiting for the inevitable slice. That final cut may come from Nigeria, where all the major oil companies have done business, dirty and otherwise, for the last five decades, degrading the environment and...

G8 Undermines Multilateral Climate Change Commitments

Picture: Michelle Pressend - The three day G8 Summit in Hokkaido, Japan ended with disappointing outcomes on climate change commitments from the most powerful countries in the world. The G8’s communiqué on environment and climate change released on 8 July 2008 reconfirmed the significance of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) report and recognised the need for a 50 percent reduction in global emissions by 2050. However this commitment is a far cry from the developing countries consensus in...

The G8: Political Posturing Contradicts Change

Picture: Sean Coon Glenn Ashton - Looking at the annual gathering of G8 leaders, one could be forgiven for believing that the real reason behind these meetings is to address global concerns. But it is not. The G8 is nothing more than a meeting where a great deal of political posturing takes place to present the image of a sympathetic west. Phantom aid is a neat concept coined by Action Aid to describe the kind of aid given to the developing world by Western powers. Action Aid’s clarification of the flow of...

The State of the World

The 2008 G8 Summit has just drawn to a close. This "On the Map - State of the World" report, released to coincide with last year's G8 summit, shows us that contrary to popular belief, aid money does not flow from the North to the South, but goes in the opposite direction. The poor have paid the rich two trillion dollars for the privilege of staying poor. When you add up all the cash that wealthy nations send south and compare it to the money going in the opposite direction,...