Many South Africans may be pondering this question, as we interrogate the political events of the past week, wondering whether these were in the public's best interests. Why Democracy taps into the debate about the power of the individual voter, putting the question, "Why bother to vote?", to a wide range of thinkers and public figures. The debate captures the views of those both in favour and against voting, highlighting interesting food for thought.
Democracy Now - South African poet and activist, Dennis Brutus, is interviewed by Amy Goodman of Democracy Now, a television and radio news program, pioneering the largest community media collaboration in the United States and airing on over 700 stations. AMY GOODMAN: In South Africa, the deputy leader of the African National Congress has been chosen to serve as interim president following the resignation of Thabo Mbeki. Mbeki resigned Sunday over allegations of interference in a corruption...
Loren Landau & Tara Polzer - With Robert Mugabe begrudgingly accommodating Morgan Tsvangirai and Arthur Mutambara at the bridge of Zimbabwe’s sinking ship, there is at last hope that the once proud country will soon find its way to calmer waters. Although anxious of snags ahead, no one is more relieved than the millions of Zimbabweans both in and outside the country who have suffered through more than eight years of violence, persecution, and economic tragic-comedy. Cheering almost as loud are...
Dermot Peterson, a youth leader from the town of Atlantis in the Western Cape talks about a community initiative aimed at raising awareness about HIV and AIDS amongst children and teenagers. High levels of poverty and unemployment plague the residents of Atlantis, where many of the young are sexually active. This youth programme employs creative methods to take its message to the children, hoping to instill a more responsible attitude towards sexual activity.
Fazila Farouk - The media are having an absolute field day with the Jacob Zuma case and their reporting is set to get even more frenzied with the National Prosecuting Authority (NPA) having appealed Judge Nicholson’s ruling. It’s going to be nothing less than the carnival we’ve already witnessed, complete with tasteless caricatures. Brace yourselves for another round of less than subtle references to the shower-headed Zuma’s rape case. With Zapiro firmly entrenching the...
"I may not succeed, but I'm not going to be happy until I see this guy in an American court room being prosecuted for first degree murder. says Vincent Bugliosi when he talks about American President, George W. Bush, in this interview. Bugliosi argues further: "If (Bush) is convicted, it will be up to the jury to decide what the appropriate punishment should be. One of their options will be the imposition of the death penalty. So I'm going after him very...