Rap News, Episode 7: It's 2011 and amid a flurry of political leaks and revelations, revolutions have rolled across North Africa and The Middle East. Join your host Robert Foster for long overdue analysis of these events, asking the question that's on everyone's lips -- where will revolution spark next? But when a news flash comes in from a special embedded correspondent, the episode takes an unprecedented turn, as that very question is answered in dramatic fashion. How will the...
Adil E. Shamoo - If conditions do not change quickly by the time of the U.S.-promised veto of Palestinian statehood at the UN General Assembly on September 20, the Palestinian-Israeli conflict could explode into a new uprising with hundreds of deaths. The recent attack of Palestinian extremists on a bus in the southern Israeli resort town of Eilat and the eager over-reaction of Israeli President Benjamin Netanyahu is a harbinger of what is to come. The uprising will bring the United States into sharp...
Ebrahim-Khalil Hassen - Two successful bidders - SAAB and Ferrostaal – have provided damning evidence of corruption in South Africa’s arms deal. As South Africa focuses on the unfolding evidence of possible corruption, we must however pause and ask how it came to be that we not only entered into deals with these companies, but how it was possible that the decision was taken to spend our nation’s money on the most expensive deals on offer during a period of excessive fiscal restraint. ...
Across the world, in places expected and unexpected, men are joining women to challenge patriarchy, end men's violence against women and promote gender equality. To capture a sense of this growing movement, the Sonke Gender Justice Network recently commissioned a filmmaker to interview leading activists who participated in the 2009 MenEngage Africa symposium, to create the film, A Way to Justice: Engaging Men for Women’s Rights and Gender Transformation.
The NATO intervention in Libya has been a huge blow to international law, says Phyllis Bennis of Washington DC based, Institute for Policy Studies. The legitimacy of the United Nations as well as the legitimacy of any idea of international responsibility has been shredded through this Libyan intervention, she contends. Editor's Note: You might also be interested in additional reporting from the The Real News Network, NATO Tries to Control Libyan Revolution and "Boots on the Ground"...
Gillian Schutte - In 2008 hundreds of South African women donned their miniskirts and protested at the taxi rank where a young girl was brutally accosted by taxi drivers and hawkers for wearing a short denim skirt. The men who accosted her allegedly stuck their fingers into her vagina and called her a "slut." Women were outraged. The angry protestors wore mini skirts and T Shirts saying, “Pissed-Off Women.” They stormed the ranks and told the perpetrators in no...