Aurelia is a research fellow with the French Institute of Research for Development (IRD) and the Forced Migration Studies Programme at the University of the Witwatersrand. She currently coordinates a two-year collaborative research project with Loren Landau (FMSP) looking at the local governance of migration in Southern African cities.
A French political scientist from the Centre of African Studies (Institute of Political Science, Bordeaux, France) and former research director of the French Institute of South Africa, she has written her PhD on the transformation of the South African immigration policy between 1986 and 2003. She jointly edited with Loren Landau the recent Migration in post-apartheid South Africa: Challenges and questions to policy-makers, a report released by the French Development Agency in March 2008.
Aurelia Wa Kabwe Segatti -
The May 2008 attacks and the responses they have triggered from both Government and South African civil society could well transform the migration debate much more profoundly than first meets the eye.
The South African situation combines an extreme degree of violence (62 deaths for the May events only) with classic migration management “mistakes” observed elsewhere in the world, i.e. a laissez-faire attitude, denial of the gravity, tragic events then forcing Government to...