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Known for his sharp wit, legendary American author and playwright Gore Vidal, a critical commentator on American politics known to speak truth to power, died on Tuesday, 31 July 2012 aged 86. In his later years, Vidal brought context to our latter-day understanding of where we are in the world today with his deep first hand knowledge of historical fact. In this fascinating interview with the Real News Network he provides extremely valuable insights into how the Cold War started.
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Glenn Ashton -
2012 is the year to dispel any doubt that capitalism is terminally ill. The recent Libor scandal in the United Kingdom, where the head of Barclays was pilloried for his responsibility in fixing one of the world’s most important international interest rates was shocking, not for the fact that it happened, but because it was exposed at all. The incestuous relationship between the international banking industry and the fiat-money based central banks is a shell game of staggering duplicity,...
Tom Walker -
Rows upon rows of empty seats. That was the dominant image of the first few days of the London 2012 Olympic Games.
The seats are empty because the fat cats and the preening Olympic officialdom have seats reserved for them, but they can’t be bothered to turn up.
TV footage has shown huge areas of the venues left empty during sold out events - angering people who were denied tickets.
Olympics spokespeople said these are the seats reserved for the “Olympic family”,...
Saliem Fakir -
The Democratic Alliance (DA) released its “Working for Change, Working for Jobs” economic plan for South Africa a week ago.
Where the ANC’s economic plan lacks a united front and coherence - as demonstrated in a recent ANC policy conference - the DA hopes to capture the public imagination with its own image for the future and by taking the gap created by a faltering ANC.
Where the ANC is mesmerised by the virtues of the state, the DA is mesmerised by the virtues of the...