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Consumer advocate and corporate critic, Ralph Nader, is running for the American White House again, but his campaign, together with those of other independent candidates has been largely blacked out by major news networks. Amy Goodman interviews Nader, arguing that there is little analysis of Obama's and McCain's policies in the mainstream media. Nader rises to the challenge offering a robust critique of wide ranging issues, including foreign policy considerations. See Part two of the...
Saliem Fakir -
In the glare of the international audience, we are being treated with Obama-mania. It is a wonderful and exciting media spectacle.
Barack Obama is undoubtedly a new breed of leader – everybody has been watching. He has already made history and may well make further history if he is elected the President of the United States.
It is easy to be captivated by Obama. He has traversed where no black person in the US has been able to go before. Obama is the story of the American dream coming...
We are living in exponential times. Its been predicted that by 2049, a computer worth a thousand dollars, will exceed the computational capabilities of the human race. That's fifty years from now. What does this mean for Africans who haven't even yet experienced basic freedoms from having access to electricity? Something that's been around for more than a hundred years.
Fazila Farouk -
People who work in the digital divide world, routinely over emphasize the value of information communication technology (ICT) for the poor, often forgetting that technology is nothing more than a means to an end and one that’s only of value if it increases conveniences and the quality of people's lives.
The common argument one hears for lowering the cost of broadband is that it will bridge the digital divide and increase socio-economic benefits for the poor. There’s certainly...