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Fazila Farouk -
Forty years ago, musician and poet, Gil Scott-Heron wrote, “The revolution will not be televised,” as he encouraged an awakening of activism amongst disenfranchised African Americans whose sense of indignation had been dulled by that opiate of the masses, television.
In the four decades since those words were penned, they’ve assumed a global significance for the downtrodden and disenfranchised of our world, who, for too long have borne the burden of a jaded public...
Massive protests in Egypt continue for more than a week as tens of thousands pack into Tahrir Square in Cairo. Protesters are vowing to stay in the streets until President Hosni Mubarak resigns. A "million man march" is being organized for Tuesday, 1 February 2011. Egyptian born, Democracy Now! senior producer Sharif Abdel Kouddous, has returned to Cairo to report on events from the ground.
Watch the clip above for an interview with Kouddous and find a transcript of the...
Danny Schechter -
This is an upstairs/downstairs story that takes us from the peak of a Western mountaintop for the wealthy to spreading mass despair in the valleys of the Third World poor.
It is about how the solutions for the world financial crisis that the CEOs and big politicians are massaging in a posh conference center in snowy Davos Switzerland have turned into a global economic catastrophe in the streets of Cairo, the current ground zero of a certain to spread wave of international unrest....