November 2008

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Is Obama Screwing His Base with Rahm Emanuel Selection?

Picture: Stephen Zunes - I had really wanted to celebrate Barack Obama's remarkable victory for a day or so before becoming cynical again. I really did. And yet, less than 24 hours after the first polls closed, the president-elect chose as his chief of staff -- perhaps the most powerful single position in any administration -- Rahm Emanuel, one of the most conservative Democratic members of Congress. The chief of staff essentially acts as the president's gatekeeper, determining with whom he has access for advice...

Atheism and the State of Belief in South Africa

Picture: Kaleo Church Glenn Ashton - South Africans are by and large religious people, with deep spiritual commitment. According to the 2006 annual report released by the Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights, and Labour of the US State department, over 80 percent of South Africans identify themselves as Christian, with four percent from other religions – Hindu, Muslim, Jewish. It is interesting to note that 15% of South Africans decline to list any religious affiliation. It is amongst this group that the atheists, those who...

And Then a Hero Comes Along

Picture: dancy Fazila Farouk - Every once in a while, a miracle cuts through unyielding adversity to deliver a moment of hope. Barack Obama’s ascension to America's highest office is one such momentous miracle in our world’s history. Who would have thought that America was ready to elect a black president? The Reverend Jesse Jackson, for one, certainly seemed overwhelmed as he stood among the Chicago victory crowd, tears streaming down his face. Like many of us who have willed Obama’s victory for so...

Barack Obama in South Africa

The Treatment Action Campaign (TAC) released this video of Barack Obama's visit to South Africa, where he met with the organisation in Khayelitsha, as well as visited a clinic. Obama talks to members of the TAC about HIV and AIDS in America. According to the TAC, "Obama took a strong position on preventing and treating HIV and AIDS and was critical of (former) President Mbeki and the South African government’s response to the epidemic and their disregard and animosity towards the...