Keyword: South Africa

Airbrushing Struggle History

Picture: Fazila Farouk Dale T. McKinley - If there is anything that South Africans should have been reminded of over the past few weeks it is that what happens and is said in the present is inextricably linked to the past. In general terms history is, and will always be, a terrain of interpretative contestation. However, in the more specific context of a country with a liberation history infused with serious ideological, organisational, social and economic polarities, contemporary understandings and presentations of that history,...

'Violence Is the Product of the Polarized Nature of Our Society' - Adam Habib on the Killing of Eugene Terreblanche

Picture: Democracy Now Democracy Now - President Jacob Zuma is calling for calm following the murder of white supremacist leader, Eugène Terre’Blanche. Terre’Blanche was a longtime supporter of the apartheid government and an advocate for the creation of an all-white republic within South Africa. Amy Goodman of Democracy Now speaks with Adam Habib. Habib, currently visiting the United States of America, is professor of political science and deputy vice chancellor of the University of Johannesburg. He was...

A Dream Deferred

A "Dream Deferred" is a documentary made to accompany the book, "Forgotten Voices in the Present." The book and documentary compile the "oral histories" of some of South Africa's poorest residents who recount their experience of living in the post-apartheid era.  According to information provided by the South African History Archives, "The book is made up of carefully selected excerpts of in-depth interviews with residents of Maandagshoek, Rammolutsi...

Budget 2010: How Are We To Do It?

Picture: American Chamber of Commerce Ebrahim-Khalil Hassen - What is to be done? Minister Pravin Gordhan asked the question in his inaugural budget speech. There was a slight pause after he asked the question. He then broke from the written text to say, "Some of you will know where that comes from." The obvious reference was to the title of a political and theoretical article written by Lenin, and in so doing suggestive of a leftist orientation to the budget. Minister Gordhan then went on to eloquently explain the exemplary objectives that...

Will the National Planning Commission Survive ANC Politics?

Picture: IMF Saliem Fakir - The need for a national planning body that plans for a longer horizon goes without saying. Planning has to involve an understanding of the present, what is needed in the future as well as what conditions prevail in the future that may affect what needs to be done now. In this regard, the NPC Revised Green Paper talks of a grand visioning exercise called Vision 2025. Let’s hope this is not just another grand plan with many words and no legs. The basis of the NPC is the recognition that...

Pointers for Pravin

Picture: Ebrahim-Khalil Hassen - The previous Minister of Finance, Trevor Manuel, always peppered his budget speech with humorous advice received as part of his “Tips for Trevor” campaign. As Minister Pravin Gordhan unveils his inaugural budget speech what would a set of “Pointers for Pravin” be? Judging by his Medium-Term Budget Policy Statement speech in 2009, the South African public should also remember that Minister Gordhan is likely to make a point or two of his own. In many ways Minister...