Oscar-winning filmmaker, best-selling author, and provocateur laureate Michael Moore talks about the growing "Occupy Wall Street" protests in Lower Manhattan, which he visited on Monday night. "This is literally an uprising of people who have had it," Moore says. "It has already started to spread across the country in other cities.
It will continue to spread. ... It will be tens of thousands and hundreds of thousands of people ... Their work ahead is not as difficult...
Capitalism: A Love Story is critically acclaimed and award winning documentary filmmaker Michael Moore's upcoming film about the global financial crisis of 2007-2009, the transition from the Bush to the Obama administration as well as the obscene Wall Street bailout package. Moore takes on the entire free-market system in his exquisitely titled movie, as he returns to the issue that began his career: the disastrous impact that corporate dominance and out-of-control profit motives have...
Renowned journalist, Bill Moyers of America's Public Broadcasting Service (PBS) interviews former health insurance industry executive, Wendell Potter and discovers that the industry devised a premeditated and intensive campaign to discredit filmmaker, Michael Moore's documentary about health care in America, Sicko. According to Moyers, the anti-Moore strategy document set out clear lines of attack to radicalize the filmmaker in the eyes of politicians, specifically Democrats. The message...
America's General Motors filed for bankruptcy on 1 June 2009, and will be bailed out by the federal government, making the government a 60% shareholder in the company. The bailout is valued at US$30bn. The company is to be remodeled and emerge as a "new GM," which will be smaller. Thousands of GM jobs are on the line. Somewhat disappointingly, President Obama announced that "the federal government will refrain from exercising its rights as a shareholder in all but the most...