Keyword: United States of America

Is Obama Screwing His Base with Rahm Emanuel Selection?

Picture: Stephen Zunes - I had really wanted to celebrate Barack Obama's remarkable victory for a day or so before becoming cynical again. I really did. And yet, less than 24 hours after the first polls closed, the president-elect chose as his chief of staff -- perhaps the most powerful single position in any administration -- Rahm Emanuel, one of the most conservative Democratic members of Congress. The chief of staff essentially acts as the president's gatekeeper, determining with whom he has access for advice...

And Then a Hero Comes Along

Picture: dancy Fazila Farouk - Every once in a while, a miracle cuts through unyielding adversity to deliver a moment of hope. Barack Obama’s ascension to America's highest office is one such momentous miracle in our world’s history. Who would have thought that America was ready to elect a black president? The Reverend Jesse Jackson, for one, certainly seemed overwhelmed as he stood among the Chicago victory crowd, tears streaming down his face. Like many of us who have willed Obama’s victory for so...

Game Over?

The final debate between American presidential candidates is over. Analysts say Obama gained the confidence of independent voters. Here's a summary of candidate's responses to key issues such as the economy, tax cuts, healthcare, education, energy, foreign policy, Columbia and 'Sarah Palin'.

Chomsky: The Majority of the World Supports Iran

Picture: Striatic Subrata Ghoshroy - On Wednesday night, in a vote of 86 to 13, the U.S. Senate passed a historic nuclear deal with that will allow the United States to trade with India in nuclear equipment and technology, and to supply India with nuclear fuel for its power reactors. The deal is considered hugely consequential by its supporters and opponents alike -- and a significant victory for the Bush administration. Last month, Subrata Ghoshroy, a researcher in the Science, Technology and Global Security Working Group at...

Why Conservatives Led the Fight Against the Wall Street Bailout Deal

Picture: Joshua Holland - Editors Note: Despite being rejected by Congress earlier this week, the controversial bailout bill has since been approved by the American Senate and made its way back to the House of Representatives where it was endorsed the second time round. For updated commentary on this issue, you may wish to read: Bailout Passes Senate: 9 Reasons That's Bad News and The Really Hard-to-Swallow Truth About the Bailout and The Bailout: How Capitalism Killed Democracy. ********** On Monday, the Bush...

The Prosecution of George W. Bush for Murder

"I may not succeed, but I'm not going to be happy until I see this guy in an American court room being prosecuted for first degree murder. says Vincent Bugliosi when he talks about American President, George W. Bush, in this interview. Bugliosi argues further: "If (Bush) is convicted, it will be up to the jury to decide what the appropriate punishment should be. One of their options will be the imposition of the death penalty. So I'm going after him very...