The World

SACSIS seeks to examine global issues, particularly as they relate to South Africa.

The Speed of Change in Bolivia: Morales Empowered by Re-Election

Picture: vocesbolivianas Benjamin Dangl - Bolivian President Evo Morales was re-elected on Sunday, December 6th in a landslide victory. After the polls closed, fireworks, music and celebrations filled the Plaza Murillo in downtown La Paz, where MAS supporters chanted "Evo Again! Evo Again!" Addressing the crowd from the presidential palace balcony, Morales said, "The people, with their participation, showed once again that it’s possible to change Bolivia… We have the responsibility to deepen and accelerate...

Brazil's Economic Success: An Incomplete Project

Picture: Ricardo Stuckert Alexandre Luis Schultz Bier - "Swiftness, audacity, courage and creativity to unfold new ways," are the words, Brazilian president and former trade union leader, Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, declared at the onset of his second presidency on 01 January 2007. In contrast to the ceremonial pomp of his first presidential inauguration in 2003, when several heads of state were present and when the streets of the country’s capital, Brasilia, were taken over by more than 150,000 people, this time the...

Obama Leaves China Without Firm Pledges on Trade and Climate

Picture: American State Department Democracy Now - As American President Barack Obama winds up his trip to the far East, the rest of the world watches with great interest as the world's current super power meets its successor. In terms of it's size, the Chinese economy will overtake the American economy within the next two decades and is predicted to become twice as big as (double) the American economy by 2050. Democracy Now speaks to Martin Jacques about China's role in a new world order. Jacques is a British journalist, academic and author...

Israeli Jews and the One-State Solution

Picture: rahuldlucca Ali Abunimah - Anyone who rejects the two-state solution, won't bring a one-state solution. They will instead bring one war, not one state. A bloody war with no end. (Israeli President Shimon Peres, 7 November 2009) One of the most commonly voiced objections to a one-state solution for Palestine/Israel stems from the accurate observation that the vast majority of Israeli Jews reject it, and fear being "swamped" by a Palestinian majority. Across the political spectrum, Israeli Jews insist on...

The Social Democrats' Curse: The Future of Progressive Politics in Europe

Picture: Jacob Christensen Saliem Fakir - On a recent visit to Madrid, I attended the Global Progress initiative held on 2-3 October 2009. It was a most illuminating meeting on the question of the evolution of European politics in the last 50 years. I was invited by the Centre for American Progress (CAP), which is very strongly associated with the Obama administration, Heinrich Boell Foundation (the German Foundation for the Green Party) and Fundacion Ideas (allied to the Spanish Social Democrats). I had the privilege of being a...

The War Criminals Vote: Blair or Karadzic for EU President?

Picture: World Economic Forum Eamonn McCann - It would surely be perverse of Radovan Karadzic to challenge Tony Blair for the presidency of the EU and risk splitting the war criminal's vote. A record as a war criminal will hardly enhance any candidate's chances. But neither does it seem to be widely regarded as an impediment. "There should be some mistakes too big to recover from," muses Guardian columnist Jackie Ashley. "But (that) is not quite the end of the matter. If politicians have to struggle with competing evils...