The World

SACSIS seeks to examine global issues, particularly as they relate to South Africa.

Egypt Shakes up Middle Eastern Order

Picture: NixBC M K Bhadrakumar - The thesis was just about gaining ground that the bitter legacy of the Arab spring is going to be the reawakening of the rough beast of sectarianism in the Muslim Middle East. Sectarian strife, it was prophesied, would lead to a Sunni-Shi'ite confrontation involving Saudi Arabia and Iran.  That specter helped deflect attention momentarily from the existential threat posed by the Arab spring to the authoritarian regimes of the Middle East. It also helped the United States to distract the...

Obama/Osama Rock the Casbah

Picture: k-ideas & US Embassy of New Zealand Pepe Escobar - The Sheikh he drove his Cadillac  He went a-cruisin' down the ville The Muezzin was a-standin' On the radiator grill The Clash, Rock the Casbah  It's irrelevant. It may be a rockin' Hollywood thriller - an Osama/Obama double bill (directed by Kathryn "Hurt Locker" Bigelow). But the targeted assassination - allegedly with an iconic American bullet to the head - of Osama bin Laden on Monday in fact only matches the irrelevancy the larger than life jihadi Godfather had...

Libya and the BRICS: Currency Wars, Imperial Wars and Popular Uprisings

Picture: Copyright Nvosti. Dmitry Astachov Leonard Gentle - On one side of the world NATO bombs Libya and on the other, the newly expanded BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa) meet on the island of Hainan, off the south coast of China. Two seemingly unrelated events. But there are links and forces at play fuelling important new power contestations in the world.  Western bombs are raining down on Libya and a “no-fly zone” is being imposed after a United Nations (UN) Security Council resolution. At the UN,...

Brazil Stares Down the US on Libya

Picture: Blog do Planalto Greg Grandin - Tensions over Middle East policy are increasing, despite Barack Obama's recent visit to Latin America At some point in the run-up to Barack Obama’s just concluded tour of Latin America, which included stops in Brazil, Chile, and El Salvador, the US press decided that coverage of the trip would focus on expected friendly meeting with Dilma Rousseff, Brazil's recently inaugurated president.   The Washington Post, the New York Times, and National Public Radio, along with a host of...

Death and After in Iraq

Picture: Chris Hedges - Jess Goodell enlisted in the Marines immediately after she graduated from high school in 2001. She volunteered three years later to serve in the Marine Corps’ first officially declared Mortuary Affairs unit, at Camp Al Taqaddum in Iraq. Her job, for eight months, was to collect and catalog the bodies and personal effects of dead Marines. She put the remains of young Marines in body bags and placed the bags in metal boxes. Before being shipped to Dover Air Force Base, the boxes were...

WikiLeaks Reveals Why Washington Wants to Keep Aristide Out of Haiti

Picture: Ben Piven Ben Terrall - Haiti watchers in the U.S. repeatedly hear several questions from North Americans new to the island nation’s history: Why is Washington obsessed with containing any legitimate pro-democracy movement in the hemisphere’s poorest country?  How is a nation state the size of Maryland with a mostly destitute population of 9 million a threat to the U.S.? Classified U.S. diplomatic cables recently released through Wikileaks provide some interesting insights into how to answer such...