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From Tahrir to Wall Street: Egyptian Revolutionary Asmaa Mahfouz Speaks at Occupy Wall Street

Video Occupy Wall Street received a surprise visit Monday from several leading Egyptian activists, including 26-year-old Asmaa Mahfouz. She is one of the founders of the April 6 Youth Movement, which is the group credited with helping to organize the January 25 protests that eventually toppled the regime of former president Hosni Mubarak. Prior to the protest in January, Mahfouz recorded a YouTube video urging people to fill Tahrir Square. Democracy Now!'s Amy Goodman spoke to her at Occupy Wall...

Should Africa Repay its 'Odious' Debts?

Video During the past four decades Sub-Saharan Africa has experienced a financial haemorrhage, much of it as a result of corrupt, kleptocratic dictatorships that funnelled money out of the country to international banks during the Cold War. While many dictators have fallen, the results of their corrupt ways still affect the people of the subcontinent. Is it fair to ask Africans to pay back the loans of corrupt dictators? Africa’s people are poor because “the subcontinent's...

Gaddafi's Murder and International Law

Video On 18 October 2011, Hilary Clinton was in Tripoli, Libya, and according to the Associated Press, said in unusually blunt terms, that the United States would like to see Muammar Gaddafi dead. "Well, two days later, they got their wish," says Paul Jay of The Real News Network. Jay talks to Firoze Manji, editor-in-chief of Pambazuka News about the significance of Gaddafi's death. "This was an extrajudicial killing supported by Hilary Clinton," says Manji.

Amnesty International Calls for George W. Bush's Arrest

Video Earlier this week, President George W. Bush spoke at an economic summit in Canada. Amnesty International called on the Canadian government to arrest Bush and either prosecute or extradite him for the torture of prisoners in the so-called "war on terror." Meanwhile, four men who say they were tortured in US prisons under the Bush administration lodged a private prosecution against the former president in a Canadian provincial court. The Center for Constitutional Rights and the...

Israel/Palestine Prisoner Swap: What are the Political Ramifications?

Video Five years ago Palestinian fighters launched a daring raid that ended in the capture of an Israeli Soldier, Gilad Shalit. The goal was to exchange him for the thousands of Palestinian prisoners in Israeli jails.  That swap took place on Tuesday this week with 470 Palestinians and the Isreali soldier released in the first stage of a deal mediated by Egypt.  Eventually a total of 1000 palestinians will go free. Despite this over 5000 prisoners will remain in Israeli jails. The deal...

Voices from Occupy Johannesburg, South Africa

Video The Occupy Johannesburg protest took place on 15 October 2011, World Revolution Day, as part of a global call to action against corporate greed and economic inequality. "Occupy" protests that took place worldwide on the day, have their genesis in the Occupy Wall Street movement. SACSIS headed down to the Johannesburg protest and spoke to some of the activists and participants about their involvement with the growing global movement against economic injustice. Editor's Note: You...