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Two Million March in Largest Public Sector Strike in British History Since 1926

Video In Britain, up to two million workers marched in the streets this week during the largest mass protest in generations. Teachers, hospital staff, garbage collectors, firefighters and border guards are participating in a 24-hour strike organized by a coalition of 30 trade unions. About a thousand demonstrations and rallies were held across the country. Public sector workers say proposed pension “reforms” will force them to pay more and work for longer before they can retire....

The Confused Objectives of The Protection of Information Bill

Video Creamer Media's Polity speaks to Media Monitoring Africa's William Bird about the Protection of State Information Bill. Bird outlines the key purposes of the Bill and how the legislations sets out to achieve these. One of the reasons there has been so much controversy around the Bill is because it has tried to deal with two kinds of information and confused their aims and objectives, argues Bird. One of the most problematic aspects of the Bill is that instead of making access to information...

Egypt Votes in Post-Mubarak Power Vacuum Amid Tahrir Turmoil

Video Egyptians are voting in the first step of a long parliamentary election which will happen in stages up until March 2012. This follows a week of protests, including a return to Tahrir square. This round of protests in Egypt was met by a violent response from the military, resulting in more than 40 deaths and many serious injuries among the protestors. RT correspondent, Anissa Naouai, says, "While many people are voting in this round of the polls, many Egyptians feel the political...

Bobby Peek: Climate Change is an Energy Debate

Video Bobby Peek director of Durban based environmental justice NGO, Groundwork, argued that the climate change debate is an energy debate and that the poor do not have access to energy. He also said that the South African government's claim that the Kusile and Medupi coal-fired power stations would produce jobs has not materialized. Peek made these remarks at a roundtable discussion, which sought to ascertain how the South African media is reporting on climate change in the run up to...

Saliem Fakir: Talking about Climate Change Is Like Having a Conversation about Aliens

Video Saliem Fakir, head of the Living Planet Unit at the World Wildlife Fund and SACSIS columnist said his impression of the climate change debate is that its like talking about aliens and what would happen if aliens landed on earth. People are fascinated by the idea, but it remains a remote notion and the conversation tends to stay at that level. Media coverage on climate change is a little like that conversation about aliens, he said. In trying to get the public to understand the importance of...

Dr. Dale McKinley: We Should be Talking about Climate Justice, Not Climate Change

Video We should be talking about climate justice, not climate change said, SACSIS columnist, Dr. Dale McKinley. Talking about climate justice highlights the fact that this problem is about the political economy, he argued. McKinley also said that the climate change debate prefaces the serious divides in South African society and that we shouldn't sugar coat this. McKinley made these remarks at a roundtable discussion, which sought to ascertain how the South African media is reporting on...