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Google Is Done

Video Venture capitalist, Roger McNamee notices a precipitous decline in Google's search business as a result of the iPhone and other mobile devices, which use apps to access the internet instead of the world wide web. "Because search is falling, I believe that we're being liberated," says McNamee. McNamee believe that Google is strategically in a very difficult situation. They have been too successful and the result of their success has been a pollution of their product. Over the...

Jane Fonda: Life's Third Act

Video There have been many revolutions over the last century, but perhaps none as significant as the longevity revolution. We are living on average today 34 years longer than our great-grandparents did. That's an entire second adult lifespan that's been added to our lifetime. And yet for the most part, our culture has not come to terms with what this means, says actor and activist, Jane Fonda. We're still living with the old paradigm of age as an arch: You are born, you peak at midlife and decline...

Decade of Detention: Most Gitmo Prisoners Innocent

Video On 11 January 2012, protests marked 10 years since the first prisoners were sent to America's most controversial prison, Guantánamo Bay, Cuba. Barack Obama's promise on his first day in office to close it, remains unfulfilled. As long as the infamous prison in Guantanamo Bay is open, it remains a symbol of lawlessness and harms the US’ reputation, says Human Rights Watch Counter-Terrorism Counsel, Andrea Prasow. © RT Editor's Note: You might also be interested in this...

New Chapter for Occupy Wall Street Movement: Housing as a Human Right - Occupying Vacant Homes

Video In New York, Occupy Wass Street (OWS) is shifting its focus away from occupying parks and squares to other actions, such as occupying homes, and has specifically launched an "Occupy Our Homes" campaign.  In December 2011, activists carried out a nationwide day of action to reclaim foreclosed homes from bailed-out banks and move homeless families into them. In Brooklyn, New York, an occupation of a home has entered its second month. Members of the OWS movement defend the...

Will the Pursuit of Happiness Make You Happy?

Video Does the pursuit of happiness actually lead to happiness? Stanford business professor Jennifer Aaker reveals surprising data from two studies that may suggest otherwise.  Aaker focuses on questions such as: What actually makes people happy, as opposed to what they think makes them happy? How can small acts create infectious action, and how can such effects be fueled by social media? Based on data obtained from studying social media blogs, she argues that the pursuit of happiness itself...

Trailer: We Are Legion - The Story of the Anonymous Hacktivists

Video According to information provided on this documentary's official website, "We Are Legion: The Story of the Hacktivists is a documentary that takes us inside the world of Anonymous, the radical “hacktivist” collective that has redefined civil disobedience for the digital age. The film explores the historical roots of early hacktivist groups like Cult of the Dead Cow and Electronic Disturbance Theater and then follows Anonymous from 4chan to a full-blown movement with a global...