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What Can Consumers of Apple Products Do to Demand An End to the Abysmal Working Conditions of Workers That Make iPhones, iPads and iPods?

Picture: Frontlines of Revolutionary Struggle Video Companies producing Apple products in China are breaking laws left, right and centre, says William K. Black, Assoc. Prof. Economics and Law, University of Missouri, Kansas City - and consumers of Apple products have to demand an end to cheaters prospering, while honest companies are driven out of business. Workers that produce Apple products in China are underpaid, overworked and subjected to a wide range of labour violations, such as, coerced abortions amongst female employees.

'Who Killed Che? How the CIA Got Away with Murder': New Book Ties Johnson Admin to Guevara's Death

Picture: Video Michael Ratner and Michael Steven Smith are the co-authors of a new book about the U.S. role in the killing of Cuban revolutionary, Ernesto "Che" Guevara. Born in Argentina in 1928, Che rose to international prominence as one of the key leaders of the 1959 Cuban Revolution that overthrew US-backed dictator Fulgencio Batista. After a period in the new Cuban government leadership, Che aimed to spark revolutionary activity internationally. On October 8, 1967, he was captured by...

US, Saudis and Russia Vie for Influence in Post-Assad Syria

Picture: Race Relations Video The domestic uprising in Syria is intensifying with the situation becoming even more complex given vested international interests closely linked to the geo-politics of the Middle East region. "The carnage is going apace," argues analyst, Hamid Dabashi, who teaches at Columbia University. "Who exactly is killing who, is the subject of debate," he adds, as the opposition in Syria increasingly starts resembling the motley crew that brought down Libya's Muammar Gaddafi. The...

Bradley Manning Nominated for Nobel Peace Prize

Picture: Video Private Bradley Manning, a US soldier accused of passing classified material to the whistle blowing website WikiLeaks has consistently made it into the headlines, mostly in connection with his trial. But now his name is on a different list, that of over 200 nominees for the Nobel Peace Prize. Manning's nomination was put forward in the Icelandic Parliament by the parliamentary group, "The Movement". Birgitta Yonsdottir, Icelandic MP, a member of the parliamentary group says...

Ecuador Creating Alternative to Neo-Liberal Model

Picture: Fotopedia Video International Living magazine has just declared Ecuador the number one place in the world to retire. Yet the country seems to otherwise get fairly negative press in the West. What makes Ecuador such a great place to retire? It could be the massive amount it is investing in social infrastructure from monies collected by increasing taxation on the rich and changing the royalty structure of oil companies operating in the country, where the government now receives 87% of all oil revenues -- and...

Neglecting the Diseases of the Poor

Picture: Video Here's another issue that the market has failed to respond to: "neglected tropical diseases", otherwise known as the diseases of the poorest people in the world. There are a billion people in the world, many of whom can be found in sub-Saharan Africa, affected by tropical diseases linked to a lack of water and sanitation infrastructure. These diseases caused by worms, parasites and bacteria, disfigure, cripple and often kill people. Only 1% of the drugs that have been...