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J. Edgar Hoover vs. MLK: Book Exposes FBI's Targeting of Civil Rights Leader

Picture: Democracy Now! Video April 4 2012 marks the 44th anniversary of the assassination of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. who was gunned down in 1968 at the Lorraine Motel in Memphis, Tennessee. At the time, Dr King's every move was being tracked by the Federal Bureau of Investigation. Democracy Now! speak with journalist Tim Weiner author of, "Enemies: A History of the FBI," about the fanatical zeal with which the agency pursued the civil rights leader and peace activist. FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover saw...

The Pirate Party and the Politics of Protest

Picture: TED Talks Video In 2006, Rick Falkvinge, a Swedish software entrepreneur, founded a new political party centred around the subjects of file sharing, copyright and patents. He called it the Pirate Party and it rose to prominence after a government crackdown on the file-sharing site, the Pirate Bay. Since then, the Pirate Party has swept Europe and beyond to become an international political movement, active in 40 different countries with representation in the European parliament. The Pirate Party fights...

Clicktivism: Does It Reduce Complex Social and Political Issues to 'Please Share This'?

Picture: Video Is clicktivism a real game changer? Or does it simply create the illusion that people are part of some revolutionary force for change? Can clicktivism replace real social activism? Is the role of facebook and twitter overestimated when it comes to revolutionary changes? These are some of the questions put to a panel of Internet experts by Russia Today's Peter Lavelle. Geert Lovink author of "Networks Without a Cause" says clicking and sharing in and of itself is not very...

What are the Future Scenarios for Syria?

Picture: Al Jazeera Video A year ago, Syrians took to the streets in peaceful protest demanding democratic change, however, the regime ruthlessly crushed the uprising. Syria is described as the most complicated and dangerous case in the Arab revolution and global powers have been divided on how to deal with it. While the UN Security Council called for sanctions against the country, China and Russia vetoed the resolution. Al Jazeera's Empire discusses the situation and future scenarios for Syria with three experts,...

Worker Owned Co-ops: Putting Democracy to Work

Picture: Video At a time when many are disillusioned with big banks and big business, and growing inequity…employee ownership offers a real solution for workers and communities. Shift Change: Putting Democracy to Work is a new documentary (to be released in July, 2012) that highlights worker-owned enterprises in North America and in Mondragon, Spain. The film couldn’t be more timely, as 2012 has been declared by the United Nations as the "International Year of the Cooperative."...

Justice for Trayvon Martin Begins With Killer's Arrest

Picture: Democratic Underground Video The parents of Trayvon Martin, the unarmed African-American teenager shot dead a month ago, addressed thousands at a "million hoodie" march in New York City calling for the arrest of his killer. Meanwhile in the Florida town where the murder took place, the Sanford City Commission cast a 3-to-2 no-confidence vote in the police chief. Legislators are talking about changing the state's gun laws as George Zimmerman, Trayvon Martin's killer, remains free. Democracy Now! speak with...