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Marley's Cry of Rage against Poverty Still Rings out Today

Picture: Video Touted as the definitive biography of reggae legend Bob Marley, the documentary, "Marley", directed by Kevin MacDonald opened in international cinemas on April 20th. South African audiences are in for a wait, as local distributor Nu Metro is yet to announce a release date. In the meantime, enjoy the trailer and a wonderful review by Yuri Prasad who reminds us that Marley “was not the first to take the poverty of Jamaica into pop but that his songs were different to most -...

Political Humour: Superb Spoof of Kony 2012 Video

Picture: Juice Media Video It was only a matter of time before someone produced a spoof of the video Kony 2012, the Internet sensation that went viral despite its misrepresentation of issues in Uganda. Juice Media have stepped up to the plate to produce a rap news segment that speaks truth to power with flair. From Africom to the International Criminal Court, there are no sacred cows for the penetrating wit of Robert Foster who raps about America's quest for a new dark skinned villain -- Africa with its boundless...

May Day 2012: Low Wages and High Food Prices Affect Workers around the World

Picture: Banksy - Video May Day is celebrated in over 80 countries around the world, including South Africa, on May 1st. To mark the occasion workers took to the streets in Asia, Africa, the Middle East and Europe yesterday. The Real News filed this report of rallies from around the world, including South East Asia (where turnouts were massive), Japan, Spain, Greece, Germany, Russia, Turkey, Bahrain, Egypt and more. Low wages in a time of high food and oil prices, job security and harsh working conditions were...

Julian Assange's new Talk Show on RT, 'The World Tomorrow', Interviews Slavoj Zizek and David Horowitz

Picture: RT Video Embattled WikiLeaks founder, Julian Assange's much touted talk show, "The World Tomorrow", aired its second episode this week on RT. Assange interviews Slovenian philosopher, Slavoj Zizek, a former anti-communist dissident who’s now turned communist and David Horowitz, a former radical activist and Black Panther ally, who has now become a fiery right-wing Zionist. In a heated debate, they talk about the future of Europe and the US, as well as touch on the issue of...

The French Election and the Eurocrisis

Picture: Picture adapted by SACSIS. Video Paul Jay of The Real News talks to Gerard Duminil, economist and former research director at the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, about the political players in the first round of the French elections that has grabbed headlines this week and sent jitters through the markets, as incumbent president, Nicolas Sarkozy was narrowly beaten by socialist candidate Francois Holland. The two candidates will now face each other in a run off in May 2012. Although this interview with...

New Documentary Asks: "Who Runs the European Union?"

Picture: Video The Brussels Business is a feature documentary made by Friedrich Moser and Matthieu Lietaert. It is described as a film that delves into the shadowy world of lobbying, the secretive networks of power and big business influence on EU policy-making in Brussels. It tells the unofficial version of European Integration since the 1980s, the story of the neoliberal take-over in European politics." Brussels is the second largest capital of industry lobbying in the world. The Brussels Business...