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Is Full Employment Possible in Capitalism?

Picture: Adapted by SACSIS from various sources. Video "Just to get to the point in which public policy is genuinely focused on providing a maximum amount of job opportunities and well-being for people would be a major achievement," says Robert Pollin, Professor of Economics at the University of Massachusetts in Amherst, as he talks about how to achieve full employment under capitalism. Watch this clip for a quick breakdown of the differences between economic theories Marxism, Keynesianism and neoliberalism. Editors's Note: You...

Photos that Bear Witness to Modern-day Slavery

Picture: As seen on TED. Video For the past two years, photographer Lisa Kristine has traveled the world, documenting the unbearably harsh realities of modern-day slavery. She shares hauntingly beautiful images, including miners in the Congo, brick layers in Nepal, and others. According to Kristine, "There are more than 27 million people enslaved in the world today — that's double the amount of people taken from Africa during the entire trans-Atlantic slave trade.” © TED Talks

Lawyer: Raid on Embassy to Arrest Assange Would Be 'Unprecedented' Breach of Diplomatic Immunity

Picture: Vertigogen/Flickr Video Britain is refusing to give Julian Assange of WikiLeaks safe passage out of the country even though Ecuador has granted him political asylum. On Thursday, British Foreign Secretary William Hague said Assange would be arrested if he left the embassy. Britain has also threatened to raid the embassy in order to arrest Assange. A legal advisor to Assange, Jennifer Robinson argues, "Ecuador has diplomatic status. If the UK government were to revoke that status, it would be a watershed in...

How Far Will the US Government Go to Gain Control of the Web in the Name of Security?

Picture: As seen on Al Jazeera. Video The US government says it must be able to fight against piracy and cyber attacks. And that means imposing more restrictions online. But proposed legislation could seriously curb freedom of speech and privacy, threatening the internet as we know it. Can and should the internet be controlled? Who gets that power? How far will the US government go to gain power over the web? And will this mean the end of a free and global internet? Fault Lines looks at the fight for control of the web, life in...

Behind China's Great Internet Firewall

Picture: As seen on TEDTalks. Video Chinese blogger, Michael Anti, provides some humorous and fascinating isights into life on the Chinese Internet, which he refers to as the China-net. The Chinese government has complete control over the Internet - all servers are in Beijing. But despite the high levels of censorship, the Internet in China is no dull and lifeless space. For every single international Web 2.0 service that was blocked by the Chinese government, the people of China created their own alternative. For example,...

Iraq: After the Americans - Part 1

Picture: As seen on Al Jazeera. Video In keeping with Barack Obama's presidential campaign promise, the US has withdrawn its troops from Iraq and by the end of 2012 US spending in Iraq will be just five per cent of what it was at its peak in 2008. In a special two-part series, Al Jazeera's Fault Lines travels across Iraq to take the pulse of a country and its people after nine years of foreign occupation and nation-building. Now that US troops have left, how are Iraqis overcoming the legacy of violence and toxic remains of the...