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Financialisation of South African Economy has Exacerbated Problems of Minerals Energy Complex

Picture: SACSIS Video Seeraj Mohamed, Director of Corporate Strategy and Industrial Development, School of Economic and Business Sciences, Wits University, talks about the increasing role of finance in the South African economy, tracing its roots to the apartheid era. We've seen a process of policy continuation from the apartheid government to the ANC-led government in following a model of liberalizing the economy by emulating the policies of the US and the UK, contends Mohamed. He elaborates - as South...

Julian Assange Addresses UN General Assembly - Full Video and Transcript

Picture: As seen on RT. Video WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange addressed permanent representatives to the United Nations (UN) General Assembly at a high-level talk on the legal and ethical legitimacy of diplomatic asylum. Assange's address, which was made from inside the Ecuadorian Embassy in London via live stream to the UN on September 26, was broadcast live and exclusively by Russia Today (RT). Transcript Transcript of Julian Assange’s Address to the UN on Human Rights - given on Wednesday 26th...

Spanish Police Crack Down on Protesters Surrounding Parliament

Picture: As seen on The Real News Network. Video Anti-austerity rage intensified in Madrid, as protesters surrounded the parliament Tuesday night in a sign of mounting frustration towards the right-wing government. Their demands included the resignation of top officials with new elections, the halt to austerity measures, and the rewriting of the Spanish Constitution. The protesters charged the government with theft and criminal activity for implementing harsh austerity measures, hiking taxes, record unemployment and allowing mass evictions...

Living Under Drones

Picture: Video Since 2004, up to 884 innocent civilians, including at least 176 children, have died from US drone strikes in the North Waziristan region of Pakistan. A new report from the Stanford and New York University law schools finds drone use has caused widespread post-tramatic stress disorder and an overall breakdown of functional society in North Waziristan. In addition, the report finds the use of a "double tap" procedure, in which a drone strikes once and strikes again not long after,...

Taking Stock of the Occupy Movement One Year Later

Picture: glennshootspeople/Flickr Video “By using the simple slogan of the 1% and the 99%, the Occupy dynamic was able to raise questions of inequality. Globally the question often put to people is the issue of poverty. Poverty is quite different to inequality. When you talk about poverty, the reaction could be charity. One feels bad for the poor, you want to have soup kitchens, etc. But inequality doesn't really always give you the sense that the answer is charity, because inequality tells you that whereas some people are...

Condom 'Evidence' against Assange Draws Blank as no DNA Link Found

Picture: Vertigogen/Flickr Video RT reports that the sexual assault case against embattled WikiLeaks leader, Julian Assange, shows signs of unraveling. "A crucial piece of evidence brought forward by one of the accusers produced no forensic results." According to RT, "In a 100-page document shown to Assange’s lawyers, it was revealed that the torn prophylactic, having been examined by staff at two forensic laboratories, did not bear conclusive evidence that Assange had ever worn...