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Greg Smith's Book 'Why I Left Goldman Sachs' Scorned by Corporate Media

Picture: Adapted by SACSIS from various sources. Video A Storm of controversy followed ex-Johannesburger Greg Smith after his very public resignation from Goldman Sachs on 14 March 2012 when the New York Times published his resignation letter. Smith’s book, “Why I left Goldman Sachs”, has recently been released and its not being well received by the investment and securities firm or its corporate media backers who are engaged in a full-frontal character assassination of the ex-Goldmanite. For more on this story, read...

The Remedy for Procrastination

Picture: Video Charles Duhigg, author of The Power of Habit, says you can't beat your Facebook addiction into submission -- so schedule it into your work day. All the studies of procrastination say that you can't find a work reward that will take the place of procrastination. So if the reward for procrastination is that you get to spend five minutes distracted by Facebook, you have to allow yourself to do that. However, we also know that the more you focus, the more that focus becomes a habit....

Britain's Unions Bring London to a Standstill: 100 000 March against Austerity

Picture: As seen on The Real News Network. Video More than a 100 000 union workers, students and supporters converged on London on Saturday, October 20, to have their voices heard in a massive protest for a "Future that Works" against the Cameron government's austerity cuts. A call for a nationwide general strike from Britain's trade union leaders is imminent. Many of those protesting on Saturday carried banners that read, "24 Hour General Strike Now". Protestors believe that the government's strategy of austerity is...

A Panel Discussion on the Meaning of 'Marikana' Hosted by the Frontline Club in London

Picture: As seen on Frontline. Video A panel of South Africans speak at the Frontline Club in London about the meaning of the Marikana massacre. The panel discussion took place on October 17. Journalist Terry Bell, former ANC MP Andrew Feinstein, writer and scholar Jonny Steinberg, and BBC presenter Audrey Brown offer their views in this panel discussion. They are joined by Natznet Tesfay, head of Africa Forecasting at Exclusive Analysis. The panel was chaired by Richard Dowden, director of the Royal African Society. ...

Political Humour: The Obama/Romney Debate - Electile Dysfunction

Picture: As seen on Juice Rap News. Video It's nearing the end of 2012, and the bastion of world democracy (The United States of America) is displaying its free and open process of elections for the world to observe. As is customary every four years, the rigorous selection process has served up a number of philosopher kings and queens from which to choose. But why have so many choices when with a bit of effort you can whittle it down to two candidates and let the people pick from those? Especially when it makes for such scintillating...

America: Green Party Presidential Candidate Arrested and Shackled to Chair For Eight Hours After Trying to Enter Obama/Romney Debate

Picture: Video Green Party presidential nominee Dr. Jill Stein and vice-presidential candidate Cheri Honkala were arrested Tuesday as they attempted to enter the grounds of the presidential debate site at Hofstra University. Like other third-party candidates, Stein was blocked from participating in the Obama/Romney debate by the Commission on Presidential Debates, which is controlled by the Republican and Democratic parties. Stein and Honkala were held for eight hours, handcuffed to chairs. As she was being...