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How to Rob Africa

Picture: aucommodity Video The world's wealthy countries often criticise African nations for corruption - especially as perpetrated by the continent's government and business leaders who abuse their positions by looting tens of billions of dollars in national assets or the profits from state-owned enterprises that could otherwise be used to relieve the plight of some of the world's poorest peoples. Yet even as the West condemns these practices, it also helps make them possible. Dirty money is channelled to banks in...

Obama Wins, Economy is Paralyzed

Picture: As seen on The Real News Network. Video In this panel discussion hosted, shortly after American President Barack Obama was re-elected, Jeff Faux Founder and Distinguished Fellow of the Economic Policy Institute in Washington, DC contends, "One of the realities of this election was that it wasn't so much an Obama victory as it was a Romney and Republican defeat. Given the state of the economy, the Republicans should have won…They didn't because they've gone just too far to the right for the people to stomach…So I...

Does Brainstorming Work?

Picture: As seen on RSA. Video Does Brainstorming Work? This is the question psychologists have been baffled by for nearly half a century and we're still on the path of discovering whether brainstorming is a technique that extracts the best out of people or if it's a method that suppresses creativity. Journalist and author, Jonah Lehrer, argues that brainstorming produces less original ideas than those people who work by themselves. © RSA

The Politics of Global Food Security

Picture: The Daily Plant Video The global population is forecast to reach nine billion by 2050 and a new United Nations report says climate change is threatening the world's three main crops. Researchers are warning that rising global temperatures could see a shift in the world's traditional staples and who grows them. They predict that maize, wheat and rice will decrease in many developing countries - forcing farmers to replace them with crops more resistant to heat, drought and flooding. The prediction, if true,...

US Election 2012: Why is the Race between Obama and Romney So Close?

Picture: Cain and Todd Benson/Flickr Video American president Barack Obama has a very small - possibly one or two percent - advantage over Republican challenger Mitt Romney and will likely just edge his way to victory, but its going to be a cliffhanger right up until the results are in, is the general consensus amongst a panel of international experts monitoring the 2012 US Election. Why then is the race between Obama and Romney so close? One view presented in this panel discussion is that the difference between the two...

Who Owns the World? Noam Chomsky on US-Fueled Dangers, from Climate Change to Nuclear Weapons

Picture: As seen on Democracy Now! Video MIT professor, world-renowned political dissident, linguist and author, Noam Chomsky examines topics largely ignored or glossed over in the election campaigns of American president Barack Obama and his Republican challenger Mitt Romney: China, the Arab Spring, global warming, nuclear proliferation, and the military threat posed by Israel and the US versus Iran. He reflects on the Cuban missile crisis, which took place 50 years ago and is still referred to as "the most dangerous...