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Critiquing the Media's Approach to the Israel-Palestine Conflict

Picture: Frontline Club Video Ebrahim Hewitt, senior editor of the Middle East Monitor, has been writing letters to the editors of major western newspapers since 2009. His letters, which are a response to what newspapers publish about Israel’s 65-year occupation of Palestine, remained largely unpublished until recently when he was encouraged to compile them into a book form. In this Frontline Club panel discussion, Hewitt’s book, Memo to the Editor, is used as a vehicle for a broader discussion of how the...

It's Not Your Imagination: Big Brother Really Is Watching

Picture: Glenn Greenwald and Edward Snowden Video Ex-CIA intelligence analyst, Edward Snowden, joins Bradley Manning to become another whistle blower exposing the egregious overreach of the American surveillance state. Snowden leaked documents to the Guardian newspaper, which revealed worldwide surveillance of the Internet and online communication by the US National Security Agency (NSA) that has developed sophisticated technology, allowing it to spy not just on US citizens, but also on ordinary people all over the world. The Obama...

Taming Capitalism Run Wild

Picture: AndyRobertsPhotos/Flickr Video Economist Richard Wolff joins Bill Moyers to shine light on the disaster left behind in capitalism’s wake, and to discuss the fight for economic justice, including a fair minimum wage. A Professor of Economics Emeritus at the University of Massachusetts, and currently Visiting Professor in the Graduate Program in International Affairs of the New School, Wolff has written many books on the effects of rampant capitalism, including Capitalism Hits the Fan: The Global Economic Meltdown and...

China's Curious Blend of Communism and Capitalism

Picture: Video China will soon surpass America to become the world’s largest economy. What surprises people most is the fact that China has managed its rapid economic growth despite being a single-party state ruled by a Communist party. How does a politically repressive state produce such an enormous middle class of consumers that have now become the engines of the Chinese economy? SACSIS' Fazila Farouk speaks to Saliem Fakir of the World Wildlife Fund (and regular SACSIS columnist) about his...

Can We Have Morality without Religion?

Picture: paul david (busy running!)/Flickr Video World-famous primatologist and author of The Bonobo and the Atheist, Frans de Waal, argues that human morality is not imposed from above but instead comes from within. Human morality is older than religions. Religions have only been around for 2,000 – 3,000 years, but our ancient ancestors functioned within a moral system a hundred thousand years ago, or more. They had rules about how you should behave, what is fair and unfair, caring for others, and so on -- all of these tendencies...

WikiLeaks Lawyer on Bradley Manning Trial: A Bid to Scare Whistleblowers

Picture: savebradley/Flickr Video The military trial of Army whistleblower Bradley Manning at Fort Meade, Maryland, began Monday, 4 June 2013, with the defense and prosecution presenting starkly contrasting accounts. Manning is accused of giving a cache of 700,000 secret U.S. government documents and diplomatic cables to WikiLeaks in the largest leak of state secrets in U.S. history. Democracy Now! interviews Michael Ratner, president emeritus of the Center for Constitutional Rights and a lawyer to Julian Assange and...