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Are We All Racist?

Picture: The Peace Pastor Video Many people would argue that they are not racist, however, Al Jazeera's The Stream delves deeper into the issue. Their feature this week examines subconscious racism. It is a form of racism that is subtle, yet as, if not more, damaging than overt racism. Listen to this panel of experts unpack the problem of stereotyping and implicit racial biases. "Implicit bias is not benign, it has very serious systemic impacts. Individuals can be decent and still perpetuate these injustices,"...

Detroit a 'Spectacular Failure' of System that Redistributes Pay From Bottom to Top

Picture: Bill Pugliano Video The American city of Detroit has filed for bankruptcy. Thousands of public workers are now fighting to protect their pensions and medical benefits as the city threatens massive cuts to overcome an estimated $18 billion in debt. Detroit’s bankruptcy "is an example of a failed economic system," says economist Richard Wolff, professor emeritus of economics at University of Massachusetts. "There are so many other cities in Detroit’s situation, that if the courts decide...

How to Change Education - From the Ground Up

Picture: Wikimedia Commons Video World-renowned educationalist Sir Ken Robinson delivers the long-awaited follow-up to his now legendary "Changing Education Paradigms" talk. He addresses the fundamental economic, cultural, social and personal purposes of education, and argues that education should be personalised to every student's talent, passion, and learning styles -- and that creativity should be embedded in the culture of every single school. Teaching is an art form says Robinson, and it occurs at the point...

New Campaign Demands Free Basic Cellphone Airtime and Text Services in South Africa

Picture: Right to Know Campaign Video A new communications campaign launched by the "Right to Know Campaign" (R2K) is putting on its list of demands, free basic cellphone airtime and short message services (SMS or text services). Fazila Farouk of SACSIS spoke Dr. Dale McKinley, a representative of the R2K campaign, about this new campaign and the rationale underpinning it. He told her that South Africans are being exploited. South Africa has the sixth highest cellphone charge rates in the world. Cellphone companies...

Revolution, Coup or Democracy? Egypt's New Roadmap

Picture: lokha/Flickr Video A year after his victory in Egypt's historic first free election Mohamed Morsi has been ousted. Since his removal from power by the military on 3 July tensions have soared on the streets of Egypt.

In the early hours of 8 July 51 Muslim Brotherhood supporters were killed outside a Cairo barracks, where they believe Mohamed Morsi is being held. The Muslim Brotherhood claim its members were fired on as they staged a sit-in, while the army said it had responded to an armed provocation....

Thousands Protest George Zimmerman Acquittal in Trayvon Martin Killing

Picture: As seen on Democracy Now! Video Protests were held across the United States of America this weekend after a Florida jury found George Zimmerman not guilty on charges of second-degree murder and manslaughter for fatally shooting Trayvon Martin. Zimmerman, a volunteer neighborhood watchman, shot Martin the night of February 26, 2012, in a gated community in Sanford, Florida, as the unarmed African-American teen walked back to his father’s house after buying candy at a nearby store. A police report filed that night noted...