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Greenpeace Erects Fracking Site at British PM David Cameron's Estate

Picture: GreenPeace Video As British Prime Minister David Cameron prepared for the announcement of a controversial new fracking law in the UK, Greenpeace activists gave the leader a taste of his own policy early Wednesday when they set up a mock fracking operation at his country estate. "David Cameron wants to rob people of their right to stop fracking firms drilling under their homes – surely he won’t mind if we kick off the under-house fracking revolution below his own garden."...

The Daily Struggle for Survival and Dignity on the Platinum Belt

Picture: Screenshot: Media for Justice Video Media for Justice followed humanitarian organisation Gift of the Givers (GOTG) to the platinum belt in Marikana where GOTG distributed food parcels to 10,000 people. The mineworkers strike in Marikana has just entered its 5th month with workers holding out for a monthly salary of R12,500. Without an income, the workers and their families are experiencing severe shortages of food, hunger and health complications. Their plight has become a humanitarian crisis that has touched the hearts of...

Panel Discussion: Following 2014 General Election, 'Race' Emerges as Fundamental Fault Line in South African Society

Picture: SACSIS Video Following the ANC's robust win at the polls in South Africa's 2014 General Elections, on 22 May 2014, SACSIS and the Friedrich Ebert Foundation hosted a panel discussion to probe the question: "Will the ANC rule until Jesus returns?" The primary impetus for this question was the fact that the ANC won the 2014 General Election despite its leader being tarnished by major corruption scandals and the party's service delivery record being less than exemplary. Meanwhile South...

The Status of NUMSA's United Front

Picture: SACSIS Video Attending an event hosted by SACSIS on 22 May 2014, NUMSA's Dinga Sikwebu, education officer and the co-ordinator of its newly formed "United Front" said that the union "recognised that the shadow of the ANC is going to be with us for a long time." The remark was made in response to the question that framed a discussion, which evaluated the outcome of South Africa’s 2014 General Election: "Will the ANC rule until Jesus returns?" Sikwebu took the...

Slavery and Racism: The Case for Reparations in America

Picture: Moyers & Company Video Signs of overt racism are still prevalent in America, evident in a New Hampshire police commissioner’s use of an ethnic slur to describe President Obama. Despite the media highlighting the problem and people shaking their heads in disbelief, the problem of racism is rarely, if weakly addressed. Ta-Nehisi Coates, a senior editor at The Atlantic magazine, thinks it’s time for a bold step to change the way people talk and think about race in America. Bill Moyers speaks to Coates...

Arrest of 'Happy' Dancers Reflects Power Struggle in Iran

Picture: The Real News Network Video Six Iranian youth who danced in a YouTube video to the song by Pharrell Williams "Happy", were arrested by Iranian authorities. Following a public outcry, they have been released. But the director of the video is still being held in custody. What is all this about? Why were these kids arrested in the first place? Analyst Trita Parsi argues that there’s a cultural war going on in Iran. Iran’s president Hassan Rouhani is seen as a reformist with a softer stance on the...