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A Tale of Two Cities: It's the Back Door for the Poor in New York

Picture: Screenshot from RT Video A New York high-rise developer is at the center of outrage for building what activists are calling a "poor door". Composed of high-end luxury apartments and cheaper units meant for low-income families, the building will have a special back entrance that those living in the less expensive apartments must use. By including cheaper apartments in the building under the auspices an inclusionary housing programme, the developer is able to apply for tax breaks estimated at millions of...

Is the New BRICS Bank a Challenge to US Global Financial Power?

Picture: Screenshot from The Real News Network Video Michael Hudson, Distinguished Research Professor of Economics at the University of Missouri and Leo Panitch, a distinguished research professor of political science at York University in Toronto, discuss and debate the significance of the new international development bank created by Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa (BRICS). While Hudson argues that the new BRICS Bank, which is called the New Development Bank (NDB), heralds a new era in the global geopolitical power balance,...

Black Youth Are Not 'Born Free' in Post-Apartheid South Africa

Picture: Screenshot from Creamer Media Video Rhodes University student, Malaika wa Azania, has published her first book, Memoirs of a Born Free. In this candid interview with Samantha Moolman of Creamer Media, she talks about being young and black in post-apartheid South Africa. According to 22-year-old wa Azania, black youth are not born free in post-apartheid South Africa. The term "born free" is a false thesis because "the constructs that defined apartheid South Africa continue to define post-apartheid South...

Is There Room for South Africa's Middle Class in Numsa's United Front and Movement for Socialism?

Picture: General Secretary of Numsa, Irvin Jim courtesy SACSIS Video In an extensive interview, Numsa’s general secretary, Irvin Jim, talks to Fazila Farouk of SACSIS about Numsa’s current strike, alliance politics as well as its United Front and Movement for Socialism. In response to a question about building greater solidarity between the middle class and the poor, Jim argues that Numsa’s movement for socialism is not only for people who are “red”. He says that the middle class has a right to live the kind of life that it...

Norwegian Physician Treating Wounded Civilians: Stop the Bombing, End Israeli Impunity in Gaza

Picture: Democracy Now! Video Dr. Mads Gilbert, a Norwegian doctor, joins Democracy Now! from Gaza where he has been treating hundreds of victims wounded in Israel’s ongoing assault, including young children. Dr. Gilbert says hospitals are operating without electricity, water and proper medical supplies, but adds: "As a medical doctor, my appeal is don’t send bandages, don’t send syringes, don’t send medical teams. The most important medical thing you can do now is to force Israel to stop...

John Oliver on America's Income Inequality

Picture: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver Video John Oliver is priceless in this episode of Last Week Tonight where he talks about America's income inequality, wealth concentration amongst the elites and the racial discrepancy in wealth distribution. US President Barack Obama famously identified income inequality as the defining challenge facing his country at the end of 2013, but quickly backtracked on the assertion, after Democrats appeared to be split on the issue. Needless to say, Obama’s spineless response to the pressure from...