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Why You Can't Escape the Internet

Video Nicholas Carr writes on the social, economic, and business implications of technology. He is the author of the 2008 Wall Street Journal bestseller, "The Big Switch: Rewiring the World, from Edison to Google," which is "widely considered to be the most influential book so far on the cloud computing movement," according to the Christian Science Monitor.  In the clip above, Carr addresses a question about how to resist the effect of the Internet on our brains. NICHOLAS...

Daniel Ellsberg: Charges against Bradley Manning Pure Intimidation

Video Daniel Ellsberg, the former US military analyst who released the Pentagon Papers to the public, an act that brought an end to America's war in Vietnam, says, "We need whistleblowers to stop murder." Ellsberg argues that every administration hates leaks that are unauthorized by itself. The highest officials authorize nearly all leaks. So unauthorized disclosures that are truly “unauthorized,” (such as those released by WikiLeaks) represent a threat. They are very much a...

Jospeh Stiglitz on South Africa's New Growth Path and Jobless Economic Growth

Video Editor's Note: To hear Stiglitz's views on South Africa joining the BRICS group of emerging economies as well as his thoughts on nationalization in South Africa, watch part two of this interview here. *** World renowned economist and Nobel Laureate Professor Joseph Stiglitz was in South Africa this week participating in a meeting of the Economic Advisory Panel, which he is a member of. Stiglitz also gave a public lecture at the Reserve Bank in Pretoria on Monday, 17 January...

One Family in Gaza

Video 18 January 2011 marked the second anniversary of the end of Israel’s assault on Gaza, Operation Cast Lead, that killed 1,390 Palestinians, including 318 children. One Family in Gaza is a short film that tells the story of the Awajah family. Kamal and Wafaa Awaja lost their home and a son during Israel's assault on Gaza. They describe the day their lives were unalterably changed, their hopes for the future and how they try to heal the trauma of their surviving children. One Family in...

South Africa and the Global Economy

Video Responding to a question from Shannon de Rayhove of Creamer Media TV, about South Africa's integration into the global economy, Prof. Seeraj Mohamed (director of the Corporate Strategy and Industrial Development Research Programme in the School of Economic and Business Sciences at the University of the Witwatersrand) argues that there is a developing consensus between mainstream and less orthodox economists that the manner in which South Africa integrates into the global economy needs to be...

Tunisians Demand Democracy - The Future of Tunisia and the Middle East

Video For the past month, Tunisia has been gripped by a wave of protests over unemployment, high food prices and government repression. Protests erupted in mid-December in the western region of the country, when a university graduate, Mohamed Bouazizi, unable to find employment set himself alight following police harassment for selling vegetables on the streets. The protests were largely organised by young people using internet social networking sites and spread quickly throughout the...