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Outrage over Syrian Authority's Torture and Murder of 13 Year Old Boy

Video Hamza AlKateeb was seized by Syrian authorities during a pro-democracy protest on 29 April this year. A month later his mutilated body was returned to his family. He was just 13 years old. Hamza was brutally tortured over an extended period during his month in detention before the Syrian authorities finally killed him and released his body. They claim that the child belonged to an armed group. According to an Al Jazeera report, "Hamza's eyes were swollen and black and there were...

Manuel Zelaya on US Role in Honduran Coup, WikiLeaks and Why He Was Illegally Ousted by the Military

Video Shortly after Manuel Zelaya returned to his home this weekend for the first time since the 2009 military coup d’état, he sat down with Amy Goodman of Democracy Now for an exclusive interview. Zelaya talks about why he believes the United States was behind the coup, and what exactly happened on June 28, 2009, when hooded Honduran soldiers kidnapped him at gunpoint and put him on a plane to Costa Rica, stopping to refuel at Palmerola, the US military base in Honduras. "This...

US Demands May Kill WTO

Video The Doha trade talks are grinding to a slow halt and might soon be declared dead. When this round of trade negotiations was launched in Doha, Qatar, about a decade ago, It was called the "development round" and the promise was that the rules would benefit the least developed countries in the world of trade and that other developing countries including emerging markets would not have to take the same market opening steps as developed nations. After ten years, the Doha talks are...

Netanyahu Gets 29 Standing Ovations from American Congress

Video In Washington on Tuesday, on the invitation of the house speaker, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu addressed the American Congress. It's a speech that Israeli political analyst, Gideon Levy, referred to as "lies on top of lies," yet the Israeli prime minister received 29 standing ovations during his address, in a clear sign of what some commentators have come to describe as the sycophantic stance of the American Congress to the Israeli lobby. In an obvious challenge to...

Just How Much Economic Growth can the Planet Sustain?

Video We are told that "the banks are too big to fail" but its the planet that is too big to fail says a panel of ecological experts. Sadly, economic growth still seems to be taking place at pace with little consideration for its impact on the finite resources of the planet and within a system devoid of any consideration for justice. If every human were to enjoy the living standard of the average North American, we would need four planet Earth's to sustain us all. The opportunity to...

Spanish Youth Rise Up: Protests against Austerity Measures

Video Austerity measures in Spain have brought tens of thousands of youth out onto the streets in protest. In an emulation of Egypt's Tahrir square demonstration, thousands of young Spaniards have set up camp in Puerta del Sol, the central square in Madrid where spontaneous protests began a week ago. Demonstrations are also taking place in other parts of Spain. Demonstrators say they will stay there at least until the country's upcoming local elections. The Spanish government is implementing...