Economic Justice

SACSIS promotes the principle of just economies. We are opposed to economic development that violates social and economic rights and increases inequalities in the pursuit of economic growth.

Domestic Workers in South Africa: It's Modern Day Slavery

Picture: Gail Pellet Productions Mohamed Motala - "The boss can also tell you what to do around the house. For example, she’ll say wash the dogs even though it’s not your job to do that. Then she’ll tell me to put sunscreen on the dogs because they get burnt. Now the dogs run away from me when they see me because they hate sunscreen. Have you ever seen a dog that uses sunscreen?" (Domestic Worker from Pimville working in a Johannesburg suburb.) There are approximately one million, mainly black women, who are...

The Parasite Class

Picture: Glenn Ashton - Wealth is relative. Anyone with enough to eat and a house to live in is rich. If you are reading this you are probably rich. Around 80% of people live on less than US$10 (R75) per day. The top 20% consume around 75% of the world’s goods. The elite, upper and top half of the middle class constitute no more than 10% of the worlds population, yet control nearly 60% of global wealth.  Despite global promises to achieve greater equality, we are living in a world that is becoming ever...

The Use of Pension Funds for Infrastructure Development can be a Good Idea

Picture: Telestar Logsistics Saliem Fakir - When Minister Ebrahim Patel released his fledgling department’s medium-term strategic plan, he indicated that the Department of Economic Development would investigate the use of pension funds for the purposes of infrastructure development and repair. No sooner had he announced this, did some economists, in a typical knee-jerk reaction, jeer the idea conjecturing that it was bad. In contrast, there have been some others from the same quarters (private capital markets) who thought it...

An Open Letter to Ministers Patel, Davies and Gordhan

Picture: South African Government Ebrahim-Khalil Hassen - Dear Ministers, Patel, Davies and Gordhan Consider this letter a criticism that nevertheless appreciates the value of your recent work on creating the building blocks for a new development path in South Africa. After all, as our collective history indicates, power concedes nothing without demand. To which we might add, demands without mobilisation are futile.  I interpret the call for a new development path as a demand and a deliberate undertaking towards a more equal South Africa. On...

Book Review: The Value of Nothing

Picture: & CIRHR Library Richard Pithouse - Book: The Value of Nothing Author: Raj Patel Publisher: Picador USA Published: January, 2010 ISBN: 978-0-312-42924-9 Raj Patel is a writer whose activism has got him into all sorts of trouble. He’s been tear-gassed on four continents, thrown out of Zimbabwe by Zanu-PF and stood his ground in the face of an impressively wide selection of the range of competing authoritarianisms that have done their best to beat, ban, slander, counsel and discipline democracy into submission in...

Beyond Malema: Neoliberalism and Corruption

Picture: Infomatique & Davius Sanctex Leonard Gentle - The ongoing saga around Julius Malema and his millions achieved through state tenders has rightfully generated public disgust. Bobby Godsell, ex-Anglo American and now Business Unity South Africa, has gone on to refer to these “tenderpreneurs” as “economic terrorists.” Zwelinzima Vavi has called for a “lifestyle audit” of public officials -- clearly a device to “name and shame” the new wabenzi and through this, embarrass them into being more...