Economic Justice

SACSIS promotes the principle of just economies. We are opposed to economic development that violates social and economic rights and increases inequalities in the pursuit of economic growth.

The New Growth Path and the Three Elephants in the Room

Picture: Saliem Fakir - Old political-economy problems always nibble at the feet of new aspirant runners. These problems are systemic and get carried from one era to another despite the changing face of political players.  In the last 15 years, South Africa rode the economic wave on the basis of a commodity boom, consumption driven growth and the financialisation of our economy via stock speculation, property bubbles and other ways of sourcing unearned income. The real economy showed little traction other than...

The Real History and Contemporary Character Of Black Economic Empowerment (Part 1)

Picture: Bangers and Ash Dale T. McKinley - Editor’s Note: This article is “Part 1” of a two-part series on the nature of black economic empowerment (BEE). “Part 1" here deals with the history of BEE. “Part 2” deals with the more contemporary character of BEE. Amidst all the usual political propaganda and grandstanding at the ANC’s recent 99th anniversary rally in Polokwane it was none other than Julius Malema who came up with the most honest statement of the day. Defending himself...

COSATU: 25 Years Well Worth Celebrating, but Will It Stand the Test of Time Going Forward?

Picture: Egui Ebrahim-Khalil Hassen - As workers celebrate the 25th anniversary of the Congress of South African Trade Unions (COSATU), the whisper of “back to basics” is gaining momentum. This is reassuring, as the celebrations by COSATU suggest a lull in its political programme and raises the danger of what politicos call “triumphalism.” Certainly there should be pride, as 25 years ago COSATU was launched in a context of political repression. Its very survival was under question. However, what the...

South Africa: Workers' Factory Takeover to Defend Jobs Enters Second Month

Picture: Workers World Media Links International Journal of Socialist Renewal - A militant factory occupation by South African metalworkers is about to enter its second month. On October 20, 2010, workers at the Mine Line/TAP Engineering factory in Krugersdorp, just outside Soweto, began the occupation to prevent the removal of machinery and other assets and to fight to save their jobs. The workers are demanding the state take over the factory, so that it can be reopened as a democratically run workers' cooperativ The workers are organised by the Metal and...

The Currency Wars, the G20 and the Intrepid Finance Minister: Who Benefits from the Strong Rand?

Picture: Republic of Korea Leonard Gentle - The ongoing saga of the United States of America's (US) accusation against China – that it is deliberately pushing down its currency – and thereby defeating US attempts to get balance in the world economy, trundled on into the G20 meeting in Korea. At the same time, middle range countries such as Brazil, South Korea, Russia and South Africa (SA) have been battling with currencies that are hugely inflated.  Accusations flew fast and furious that countries were using currency...

What Is Economic Degrowth?

Picture: spencerpaulc Glenn Ashton - Our economic system is premised on the notion of endless growth. Its unintentional manifestations include global warming, dwindling resources, proliferating pollution, the accelerating extinction of species, water and food shortages, all set against the backdrop of a burgeoning global population.  We live in an era that has generated more wealth than any previous known civilisation, yet remain surrounded by inequality. The market has failed to deliver on the promises of its supporters....