Democracy & Governance

The relationship between democracy and governance and the realisation of socio-economic rights is an important issue for debate. SACSIS seeks to understand this relationship and identify issues that act as barriers to pro-poor democracy.

The Root of Our Political Crisis Lies in Our Government Undermining Public Participation

Picture: Editor Tupp Frank Meintjies - Much of the current political uncertainty in SA - lack of focus, a sense of crisis on many fronts, large areas of misalignment between leaders and the population, a resurgence of street protests - can be explained by a lack of effective democratic participation. South Africa’s struggle was a popular one, and the intent was always to construct a society in which democracy meant more than taking part in periodic elections. The goal of a ‘deep democracy’ was always part of...

It's About Time Our Bubble Burst

Picture: Johnathan Gill Saliem Fakir - The Free State students who made the racist video are perhaps breathing a sigh of relief that they’re no longer the centre of the world’s attention. It was too much for them too soon. The world was shocked then too. At least they too know, no matter how revolting their little show, malicious prejudice conflicts with the idea of democracy and they are not alone in harbouring ghastly prejudices. They have something in common with all of us. Even a quiet prejudice seeds it’s...

Has South Africa Just Hit a Bad Patch or is Our Country Seriously Going Down the Tubes - Way Forward Anyone?

Picture: Saliem Fakir - First came Zuma, which seemed to scare a lot of people, then the atrocious matric results, then Eskom, the slow disappearance of the Scorpions, the Zimbabwe crisis, then the disgraceful saga at the SABC, the anarchy at the ANC Youth League conference, racism at Free State university, the food crisis and now xenophobia. There are a few other issues not worth adding to this litany as the point has been made. Everywhere we look is a seemingly unending verve of one crisis after another....

Behind our Political Landscape in South Africa: Who Holds the Purse Strings?

Picture: Glenn Ashton - Our government is well known for making bizarre decisions. Lets not even go into Eskom, ARVs, the HIV and AIDS ‘debate’, or the arms deals for that matter. Even the small things like why a perfectly good policy on plastic bags was undermined by vested interests, how market related interests constantly trump social interests in seemingly obscure ways all are actions that force us to ask just what was behind that decision? One of the major swings of policy by our new government was...

The Shorthand of Electoral Democracy: Democracy for Some

Picture: NOReilly Ibrahim Steyn - Democracy is often presented as an unproblematic concept ubiquitously associated with political competition between rival parties or candidates. Simply put, it’s about people’s ability to elect a political regime or leaders of their choice. Such a neutral definition of democracy obscures issues of power and vested interests. Africa’s political elite, for example, have been perpetuating a client-patron model of politics inherited from their colonial predecessors. This has...

Civil Society Has Dropped the Rope in the Tug Of War with Business to Influence Government

Picture: Spiritual Travelman Charlene Houston - The state of our nation is the outcome of a multidimensional struggle. The tussle between the polluters and the sick; between the under-paid and the over-paid; between the owners of wealth and producers of goods; between the greedy and the hungry, between people and corporations; between developed and under-developed nations – all culminate to create our democratic space for engagement. As democratic institutions, governments find themselves in a tug of war between competing...