Economic Democracy, Food and Justice

Picture: gypsysoulcorby Saliem Fakir - Democracy is an imperfect system. Its characteristics can vary – from being  a creation of  populist traditions to democracies run by elites. In the common imagination when we think of democracy we think of people’s power. Power is delegated as a trust to holders of political office and from whom we expect that they would manage our affairs wisely and judiciously.  They would protect us from vulnerability. Depending on what is within their power or outside of...

War, Corruption, Xenophobia: All Playing Themselves Out Under the Media's Watchful Eye

Picture: Glenn Ashton - At Harvard University’s Kennedy School of Governance, a study group is arguing that the media in Africa doesn’t foster good governance, contending that Africa's Fourth Estate doesn't function. The global nature of the problem raises some questions about why the Kennedy School of Governance has chosen to make an example of Africa. After all, the American media practically signed, sealed and delivered the public consensus needed for President George W. Bush to invade...

Rich Media, Poor Democracy

In analysing the role of journalism in democracy, Robert McChesney argues that healthy journalism is axiomatic to vibrant and healthy democracies in this Media Education Foundation video clip that critiques the ownership model of the American media, contending that the model has been a detriment to American democracy. To see Part One of this series, please click here. To see Part Three of this series, please click here.

What's Wrong with GMOs?

In this radio interview conducted by the Pinky Show, Jeffrey Smith of the Institute for Responsible Technology, contends that scientists give the false notion that genetic modification is just an extension of natural breathing and that it is safe. Genetic engineering causes unpredicted mutations in DNA causing collateral damage. it is a primitive science that is not precise and we are feeding the products of an infant and unpredictable science to millions of people. Do we really need to...

Why is Genetically Modified Food Not Labelled in South Africa?

Picture: NOVOPRESS.INFO Glenn Ashton - The Case to Include GM Labelling in the Consumer Protection Bill. The Consumer Protection Bill, an act of Parliament devised to protect the rights of consumers, as its name suggests, has come before the National Council of Provinces, usually the final step before ratification. Interestingly the NCOP has asked for comment on the bill before it is ratified. One issue that has elicited much debate is the matter of foods derived from crops that have been genetically modified (GM). Some of the...

It's About Time Our Bubble Burst

Picture: Johnathan Gill Saliem Fakir - The Free State students who made the racist video are perhaps breathing a sigh of relief that they’re no longer the centre of the world’s attention. It was too much for them too soon. The world was shocked then too. At least they too know, no matter how revolting their little show, malicious prejudice conflicts with the idea of democracy and they are not alone in harbouring ghastly prejudices. They have something in common with all of us. Even a quiet prejudice seeds it’s...