Everyday thousands of people are diagnosed with pre-conditions. We hear about pre-hypertension, pre-diabetes, pre-cancer and many more. In this engaging talk, Reuters health editor, Ivan Oransky warns that we are suffering from preposterous pre-conditions diagnosed within a system that thrives on over-medicalizing treatments. Most doctors are in a fee-for-service system. They are basically incentivized to do more tests, perform more procedures and prescribe medication. Pharmaceutical...
Binoy Kampmark - His comments are dangerous. He should stick to saving the world from aliens. – Brooke Shields on Tom Cruise The gossip columnists are compiling their ill-composed scribbles, and their latest find (or non-finding) is working out what is transpiring in the dissolution of the Tom Cruise/Katie Holmes union. Could it be an issue of parenting and religion? Was educating their 6 year-old child Suri central to their parting? "Many reports we are hearing is that Tom was very...
Amy Goodman - In Madrid, Spain, protesters are celebrating a major victory after that country’s high court opened a criminal investigation into the former head of Spain’s biggest mortgage lender. Rodrigo Rato, the former head of the IMF, has been ordered to appear in court to face criminal fraud accusations related to the downfall of Bankia, a banking giant that has sought tens of billions of dollars in bailout money. The news marks a rare case where a former executive is facing a criminal...
One in three women is raped or beaten on our planet. On a planet of 7 billion people, that’s one billion women who experience this savage violence. To respond to this crisis, Eve Ensler has launched a global campaign – The One Billion Rising Campaign – which seeks to mobilize one billion people to come together on 14 February 2013 to take a stand against these terrible acts against women. Ensler launched the South African leg of the campaign in Melville, Johannesburg,...
Pepe Escobar - Let's start with a bomb. Over 10 days ago a new brand of coup d'etat took place in Paraguay against elected president Fernando Lugo. It was virtually unnoticed by global corporate media. Anything unexpected? Not really. A March 2009 cable from the US Embassy in Asuncion, revealed by WikiLeaks, had already detailed how oligarchs in Paraguay were busy devising a "democratic coup" in congress to depose Lugo. At the time, the US embassy noted political conditions were not ideal...
In San Ramon California where the headquarters of Chevron is located, there was recently protest action both inside and outside an annual share holders meeting. Emem Okon of the Kebetkache Women's Development and Resource Centre in the Niger Delta was given just two minutes to address shareholders at this meeting. Okon was a supporter of the powerful women's protest against Chevron for its environmental and human rights abuses in Nigeria, which garnered lots of international media...