Keyword: net neutrality

Comedian John Oliver on Net Neutrality

Picture: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver Video Comedian John Oliver now has his own comedy show on the HBO channel. This week Oliver tackled the issue of “net neutrality”, as encroaching corporate (and government) control over the internet threatens to reduce internet freedom. Oliver takes this grave issue – he calls it “boring” – and turns it into a hilarious sketch that educates the public about a threat we ignore at our peril. Net neutrality refers to all data being treated equally on the internet,...

The Net We Want

Picture: Jane Duncan - One year ago today, The Guardian newspaper published National Security Agency (NSA) spy Edward Snowden’s revelations about mass surveillance in the US. Digital activists are marking this day by launching a ‘reset the net’ campaign to encourage internet users to take back the internet from the spies and to make it secure for use: a campaign that has received Snowden’s endorsement. Other forums have taken place recently, focussing on the broader principles that should...