Feeling ashamed for not being happier? On an endless quest to transform yourself?
Does our collective fixation with psychological and physical health actually verge on the pathological?
Leading academics Carl Cederström, André Spicer and Renata Salecl gather to explore how wellness has become an unhealthy obsession in western societies, and how living ‘well’ has become synonymous with being morally good.
They argue that visions of social change have been...
Samantha Felix -
E-liquids - the liquid nicotine used to refill reusable e-cigarettes - are sold legally nationwide. But in the last couple of days, the seemingly harmless, smoke-free liquids have sparked some starkly contrasting media attitudes.
Matt Richtel of The New York Times writes that e-liquids are a dangerous poison—even more so than tobacco in some cases.
But Reason.com‘s Jacob Sollum vehemently counters Richtel’s assertions, writing that, considered more broadly, e-liquids...