Keyword: Copenhagen Conference

Bolivian Climate Conference Moves to Establish Universal Declaration of the Rights of Mother Earth

One of the key initiatives to emerge from the Bolivian 'World Conference on Climate Change and Rights of Mother Earth' attended by 15,000 delegates from around the world is the 'Universal Declaration of the Rights of Mother Earth'. South African environmental lawyer, Cormac Cullinan, arrived at the summit this week with the draft declaration that has formed the basis of the discussions in Tiquipaya. He explains its purpose. The conference, which has been very poorly covered by the...

Righting the Wrongs of the Copenhagen Fraud: Bolivia Charts a New Climate Course

Picture: Chucksta420 Michelle Pressend - “Climate change cannot be addressed by half measures,” argues Pablo Solón Romero, Bolivia’s Ambassador to the United Nations (UN), in a recent article published by the UK’s Guardian Newspaper. The crucial point he tries to get across is, “we can't make compromises with nature.” Romero made the statement in the run up to Bolivia’s forthcoming ‘Peoples' Conference on Climate Change and the Rights of Mother Earth’, scheduled to take...