Keyword: United States of America

Sarah Palin Fails by Her Own Standards

Picture: McCain Blogette Steven Rosenfeld - Editors Note: You may also be interested in reading Top Ten Most Disturbing Facts and Impressions of Sarah Palin Is it ethical to support Sarah Palin? Five Reasons the World Wants Obama to Win How Obama Lost the Election Deepak Chopra - Obama and the Palin Effect and The world's verdict will be harsh if the US rejects the man it yearns for ********** Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin accepted the 2008 Republican vice-presidential nomination Wednesday night in a confident and insistent address...

Race, Poverty & Obama

The average nett worth of white American families is US$70,000 compared to US$6,000 for African Americans, who are twice as likely to be unemployed. One in three African American males will go to prison during their life times, while this is likely to occur to only one in 17 white males. Leading African Americans, including Danny Glover, talk about what an Obama presidency could mean for race and poverty in America.

Joe Biden: Pretty Good Politics and a Mixed Bag on Policy

Picture: Garling Gauge Joshua Holland - Politically, Barack Obama's choice of Senator Joe Biden (D-DE) as his running mate is a strong one. Biden, an experienced white guy with working-class roots and a reputation as one of the leading Democrats on foreign policy, does for the ticket just what a VP pick should: he balances out Obama's perceived weaknesses. As far as policy goes, Biden's record, with a few notable exceptions, is pretty strong on most of the domestic issues that progressive voters hold dear. In terms of his foreign...

Double Standards in the Global War on Terror

Picture: Kate_A Tom Engelhardt - Anthrax Department Oh, the spectacle of it all -- and don't think I'm referring to those opening ceremonies in Beijing, where North Korean-style synchronization seemed to fuse with smiley-faced Walt Disney, or Michael Phelp's thrilling hunt for eight gold medals and Speedo's one million dollar "bonus," a modernized tribute to the ancient Greek tradition of amateurism in action. No, I'm thinking of the blitz of media coverage after Dr. Bruce Ivins, who worked at the U.S. Army...

No Good Guys in Russia-Georgia War

Picture: Matthew Rothschild - Russia and Georgia must immediately agree to a ceasefire, and Russia must withdraw its troops from Georgia. Both sides must also respect the lives of civilians. That is the bare minimum required by international law. There are no good guys in this conflict. Georgian President Mikheil Saakashvili was reckless to send in the military to subdue the Russian-leaning province of South Ossetia on Friday. And Russia, led by Prime Minister Vladimir Putin and President Dmitry Medvedev, responded...

The Bad Frame: An Unfortunate Caricature of the Obamas

Picture: CBS News Dan Hazen - New Yorker magazine hit the newsstands with a shocking cover -- a caricature of Barack and Michelle Obama depicting the presidential candidate in a turban, fist-bumping his wife who has a machine gun slung over her shoulder, while the American flag burns in the fireplace. The cover is shocking in that it depicts the Obamas in bizarre, caricatured images and associations that reflect the very stereotypes with which the conservatives, particularly Fox News, have been trying to frame both...