The World

SACSIS seeks to examine global issues, particularly as they relate to South Africa.

On Eve of Elections, Israeli Leaders Play Into Hands of Palestinian Militants

Picture: Dedito Ira Chernus - Editor's Note: The U.S. mainstream media has featured several stories recently alleging that Hamas broke the fragile ceasefire that ended the Israeli assault on Gaza.Below, Ira Chernus notes that the Israeli media is telling a different story. Also, see Eva Bartlett's piece, "Israel Broke "Ceasefire" Hours After it Went Into Effect"  In the last few days, while the U.S. mass media offered up only sensational headlines like “Gaza militants fire rockets into...

Noam Chomsky: Obama's Stance on the Gaza Crisis is Similar to the Bush Position

Picture: Barack Obama Democracy Now - JUAN GONZALEZ: President Obama has made his first substantive remarks on the crisis in Gaza since being elected. Obama was speaking at the State Department, flanked by Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, as he named two key envoys. Retired Senate majority leader George Mitchell, who negotiated a lasting agreement in Northern Ireland, will be Middle East envoy. And Richard Holbrooke, who brokered a deal in the Balkans in the mid-1990s, will be envoy to Afghanistan and Pakistan. In his...

A Message From Progressive Americans to President Obama: Ten Things to Avoid

Picture: Alternet Staff - As Inauguration Day arrives, the citizens of our country are on the edge of their collective seats waiting to see who the real Barack Obama is, and how he will step up to address the worst economic crisis since the Depression. Adding to his burden, Obama is following George W. Bush, who may go down as the most failed and destructive president in history. As a result, in addition to the financial disaster, Obama inherits two wars and a huge array of counterproductive policies perpetuated by...

Bush's Unconscionable Legacy

Picture: Steve Garfield Democracy Now - American President George W. Bush held his final news conference this past week. Bush fervently defended his record, saying he made the nation safer following the 9/11 attacks, rejected the idea that the nation’s moral standing has been damaged over the past eight years and defended the government’s response to Hurricane Katrina. Amy Goodman speaks with veteran White House correspondent Helen Thomas. She’s the most senior member of the White House press corps and has...

Gaza: A Cry for Justice

Picture: Zoriah Adam Parsons - Since the Israeli onslaught against Palestinians began on December 27th, a true interpretation of the battle inside the Gaza Strip is deeply complicated by the surrounding barrage of vehement words and conflicting analyses. Certain facts are incontestable; the present siege is the deadliest since Israel occupied the West Bank and Gaza in 1967, with the number of Palestinian casualties increasing in their hundreds each day and already topping several thousand injuries.  Gaza faces a...

America's Hidden Role in Hamas' Rise to Power

Picture: farfahinne Stephen Zunes - The United States bears much of the blame for the ongoing bloodshed in the Gaza Strip and nearby parts of Israel. Indeed, were it not for misguided Israeli and American policies, Hamas would not be in control of the territory in the first place. Israel initially encouraged the rise of the Palestinian Islamist movement as a counter to the Palestine Liberation Organization, the secular coalition composed of Fatah and various leftist and other nationalist movements. Beginning in the early...