The World

SACSIS seeks to examine global issues, particularly as they relate to South Africa.

Interview: Sean Penn on Haiti Six Months After the Earthquake and Why He Is Managing a Tent Camp of 55,000 Displaced Haitians

Picture: Democracy Now Democracy Now - Two-time Academy Award-winning actor and director Sean Penn was honored by the Haitian government at a ceremony marking the six-month anniversary of the earthquake that killed 300,000 people and left more than 1.5 million homeless. Penn first came to Haiti after the earthquake struck to help with immediate relief efforts. He decided to stay to finish what he started. He co-founded the J/P Haitian Relief Organization and is managing a tent camp on the Pétionville golf course that now...

Watching the World Cup in Europe

Picture: 2010 Shine - 2010 Good News South Africa Richard Pithouse - The FIFA headquarters are nestled into a secluded spot on the hill overlooking Zurich, one of the richest cities in the world. Here a glass of coke will cost you R60 at a restaurant. The city, set around a lake with snow capped mountains in the background, is picture perfect in a chocolate boxy kind of way. But it’s not just a twee live-in European theme park pretending to be a city. Zurich is also home to squats, innovative housing and artists’ collectives, large immigrant...

Honduras: Repression Continues One Year After Military Coup

Picture: Yamil Gonzales Democracy Now - 28 June marked the one-year anniversary of the military coup that overthrew the democratically elected President Manuel Zelaya. A year later, the coup’s repressive legacy continues, with ongoing reports of killings, disappearances, torture and impunity. Democracy Now speaks with Gerardo Torres, a member of the National Front of Popular Resistance in Honduras for an update of developments under the Porfiro Lobo administration in Honduras. *** AMY GOODMAN: We turn now to Honduras. Today...

World Cup: The Games Begin, at Last

Picture: Jose Goulao Harry Browne - After a good opening game that finished 1-1 between two teams which won't go far in this tournament. South Africa's players were mourning a win that might have been, and Mexico's were also reflecting on a game they should have won, though they scored only after they had lost control of the play, in a moment when the South African defense seemed to go for a quick nap. The important thing for the World Cup is that the hosts didn't lose in Johannesburg, and will live to fight another day. In...

Iran's Green Movement: One Year Later

Picture: paida70 Juan Cole - How Israel’s Gaza Blockade and Washington’s Sanctions Policy Helped Keep the Hardliners in Power  Iran’s Green Movement is one year old this Sunday, the anniversary of its first massive demonstrations in the streets of Tehran.  Greeted with great hope in much of the world, a year later it’s weaker, the country is more repressive, and its hardliners are in a far stronger position -- and some of their success can be credited to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin...

After the Massacre: The Global Impact of the Gaza Flotilla Crisis

Picture: Phyllis Bennis - Israeli commandoes murdered nine humanitarian aid workers in international waters. Nine were Turkish citizens; one a U.S. citizen. They wounded scores more. They imprisoned hundreds, and impounded the ships they hijacked on the high seas. Someone asked me the question: will they get away with it? So far, I answered, they HAVE gotten away with it. And if history repeats itself, if nothing changes, they will continue to get away with it. Our job is to change history. And this time,...