Human Rights

SACSIS embraces a rights based approach to development, which views poverty as a denial of human rights.

Why the World Water Forum is a Sham

Picture: Nitot and Bobby FDC Jeff Conant - Behind the World Water Forum's public posture as a trade expo and an educational exchange among water advocates lies a labyrinth of political intrigue and corporate cronyism. Corporate interests that make up the World Water Council are in constant contact with the World Bank and other financial institutions; each Forum pretends to be a quasi-United Nations event, to the extent of issuing a Ministerial Statement at the Forum's close promoting global policy approaches to water and sanitation....

The City that Ended Hunger

Picture: Frances Moore Lappe - In writing Diet for a Small Planet, I learned one simple truth: Hunger is not caused by a scarcity of food but a scarcity of democracy. But that realization was only the beginning, for then I had to ask: What does a democracy look like that enables citizens to have a real voice in securing life’s essentials? Does it exist anywhere? Is it possible or a pipe dream? With hunger on the rise here in the United States - one in 10 of us is now turning to food stamps - these questions take on...

South Africa's Slippery Slope: Beefing Up the Implementation of Bad Policies

Picture: Maureen Sill Mohamed Motala - Both the President’s State of the Nation address delivered on 8 February 2009 and the Finance Minister's Budget Speech, which followed a few days later have told us that South Africa's 'policies' are in place and that the main problem facing our nation is poor implementation. The State of the Nation address and the Budget Speech are the two most important policy agenda-setting opportunities that the two most powerful men in the country have at their disposal. They present opportunities...

Mary Robinson: War on Terror Has Eroded Human Rights Worldwide

Picture: notinmyname Democracy Now - Amy Goodman of Democracy Now speaks to former UN High Commissioner for Human Rights and former president of Ireland, Mary Robinson. Robinson is president of the International Commission of Jurists, which has released a report that finds the so-called war on terror has eroded human rights worldwide. Robinson also addresses the ongoing Israeli siege of Gaza and takeover of the West Bank, the need for an independent investigation of Bush administration crimes, the global economic meltdown, and...

Bigotry is More Than a Subculture in South Africa

Picture: Liliana Segura Saliem Fakir - An Austrian colleague of mine relays a dinner story. We are talking over lunch at a little side cafe in idyllic Stellenbosch. There was a discussion about Obama and the historic moment for the United States when he took the presidential oath. Obama holds great symbolic significance to all black and other non-white people of the world. It is an important affirmation because he rose through the ranks on the basis of merit. But many whites also voted for him. He is of course a highly...

The World Social Forum Trumps the World Economic Forum on Solutions for a Better World

Michelle Pressend - Critics argue that leaders at this year’s World Economic Forum (WEF) were unable to provide solutions for the complex problems facing the world at the recent gathering in Davos. These darlings of Davos are the very cooks that have stirred the awful stew the world finds itself in today. But finding solutions to the world’s woes would bring this group of people face to face with inner demons that they would prefer to keep locked away, along with their millions. Capitalism is,...