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Syrian Human Rights Activist Razan Zaitouneh: Assad Regime the Lone 'Terrorist Group' Inside Syria

Video Syrian human rights activist and attorney Razan Zaitouneh speaks to Democracy Now's Amy Goodman. She provides an update of the violent government crackdown on the pro-democracy protest movement across the country. "We want the whole world to know what’s going on," Zaitouneh says. "We all know the truth. We all know that the only terrorist group in the country is this regime, who has been killing its own people for more than four months, who has been arresting dozens of...

A Message to Both Women and Men: Embrace Your Inner Girl

Video Playwright and activist, Eve Enslor, creator of the Vagina Monologues and founder of V-Day, a global movement to stop violence against women, takes the opportunity at this TED Talk to advise both women and men to embrace their inner girl. Enslor argues that there is a cell or grouping of cells that exists in both men and women -- she calls it the "girl cell." According to Enslor, the girl cell is central to the evolution of our species and the continuation of the human race. At...

Let's Take Back the Internet!

Video In this powerful talk from TEDGlobal, Rebecca MacKinnon describes the expanding struggle for freedom and control in cyberspace, and asks: How do we design the next phase of the Internet with accountability and freedom at its core, rather than control? She believes the internet is headed for a "Magna Carta" moment when citizens around the world demand that their governments protect free speech and their right to connection. According to MacKinnon private companies are applying...

The Top 1% - America's Extreme Wealth Inequality

Video The richest 1% of US Americans earn nearly a quarter of the country's income and control an astonishing 40% of its wealth. Inequality in the US is more extreme than it's been in almost a century — and the gap between the super rich and the poor and middle class people has widened drastically over the last 30 years. As low and middle class wages stagnate and unemployment remains above 9%, Republicans and Democrats are tussling over whether to slash funding for the medical and retirement...

America's Debt Ceiling Debate: Easier to Attack the Weak than the Wealthy

Video The Real News Network (TRNN) interviews Rob Johnson, senior fellow at the Roosevelt Institute, who argues that America's debt ceiling crisis is fake. In Johnson's view, America does not have an acute problem with default anytime in the next 15-20 years. Meanwhile in order to have America's debt ceiling increased to prevent a debt default. President Obama is making concessions to the Republicans who control the American Congress. These concessions include budgetary cuts to social security...

Dear Mandela Theatrical Trailer

Video Dear Mandela is a documentary film that follows three young leaders from the social movement, Abahlali baseMjondolo, over four years, as they resist evictions and take their case to the Constitutional Court.  Dear Mandela had its World Premiere at the Durban International Film Festival on the 26th July. The film was also screened, throughout the week, in informal settlements where there are no cinemas. It was a special homecoming for the film, which is rooted firmly in the voices of...